Deny /back commands into WorldGuard regions and GriefPrevention claims icon

Deny /back commands into WorldGuard regions and GriefPrevention claims -----

Adds WorldGuard flag to deny all /back commands | Checks for GriefPrevention claims as well

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I'd love to take suggestions, but I don't check spigot that often​

Have you ever wanted to stop people from returning to regions or claims with /back? This is the plugin for you! It adds a third-party flag to WorldGuard that you can enable if you don't want players to get back to the region with /back, and a config setting to stop players from returning to untrusted claims.

1.8-1.12 download link

WorldGuard plugin is a dependency that you can get here.
GriefPrevention plugin is not required for the plugin to work, but DenyBack will work with it. You can get it here.

Blocked Commands
The following commands are the default back commands that this plugin will check for:
/cmi back

You can add more commands in the config

Code (YAML):

# /rg flag -w "{world_name}" -h 6 {region_name} deny-back ALLOW

# what commands to deny
 - '/back'
  - '/cmi back'
  - '/eback'
  - '/cback'
  - '/cmi cback'
  - '/return'
  - '/ereturn'
  - '/dback'

# the permission that allows players to /back to their death location
: 'essentials.back.ondeath' # cmi.command.back.ondeath for cmi

# if GriefPrevention is enabled, true = /back will be denied if a player's last known location is inside a claim they are not trusted in
: true

# set this true to deny back to all non-members of a region - setting the region flag overrides this
: false

# message sent to player if they are denied returning to a location
: '&c&lHey! &7Sorry, but you can''t return to there.'
# this will use GriefPrevention's message when a player tries to return to a claim
: true

  # register a back command for DenyBack
: false
  # send player back to the last location that they are allowed to go
: true
  # how many seconds before player will be teleported
: 0
  # message sent to player when they use the command
: '&6Returning to previous location.'

  1. Create a region with WorldGuard. More info in the WorldGuard documentation.
  2. Run the command: "/rg flags" in the region you want to be affected.
  3. Click the arrows in chat to get to one of the pages. It should look something like this:[​IMG]
  4. Click allow to stop players from using /back to get into that region
If you are looking at how to deny back into untrusted claims, it is enabled by default. You can turn it off in the config.

/denyback reload - requires denyback.admin to use
This next command requires the back command to be enabled in the config
/dback - denyback.back
* denyback.back.ondeath is required to be able to return to your death location
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 676
First Release: Mar 31, 2021
Last Update: Jun 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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