Codex | RPG Discoveries [1.16.5-1.21.4] icon

Codex | RPG Discoveries [1.16.5-1.21.4] -----

A journal mechanic full of discoveries players need to unlock to access server lore.

Codex was fully remade from scratch, it's like a completely new plugin with several improvements and fixes. If you want to continue using this plugin, before updating (if you have been using the plugin before) you need to delete the whole Codex folder. You will lose your discoveries and configuration, yes, but sadly this is the only way to update to the new version, because the amount of changes were so big that it was impossible for me to create a type of migration system. Make sure you create a backup so you can copy/paste important texts in the new configuration.

I can't list all of the changes that I made in this new version (like I said its like a new plugin based on the previous versions). The WIKI was also completely updated, there you can see for yourself how the plugin works now: It's similar than before, but now you have more configurable discoveries and items. Of course performance fixes were made too.

Creating the plugin again from scratch will allow me to implement new features in a more easier way than before, so I hope you understand this! Let me know in the discussion if you need any help and remember to check the wiki! ;)


(This is a Spanish community support Discord, however there is a category for both spanish and english support. Go to the "Plugins Ajneb97" category and there you can ask for help in the "general-plugins-ajneb97" channel.
If you need MY HELP or contact with me, just post your question/issue in the discussion of the plugin or send me a private message here on SpigotMC)



What can I do with the plugin?
This plugin allows you to create a Discoveries Inventory where your
players can access information about specific regions, people, monsters they've encountered. Codex is a plugin that adds a little bit of RPG experience to your Minecraft server, by providing context and lore to the player.

You can create any Discovery you want, players will unlock them by entering regions for the first time, talking to NPCs, killing monsters, and you can even unlock discoveries to players by using a console command! So the plugin allows you to create discoveries associated with aspects of other plugins. To create very customized discoveries I suggest you use my plugin ConditionalEvents, there is a tutorial in the WIKI.

The plugin is highly inspired in RPG videogames like Mass Effect!


Discoveries Properties
Discoveries Categories
Name + Description
Ways to unlock:
> Entering WorldGuard regions
> Killing vanilla mobs
> Killing MythicMobs mobs
> Using console command
Reward actions
> Messages
> Console commands
> Sounds
> Title messages
Click actions on unlocked discoveries
Date unlocked

Extensive Configuration
Complete and easy to understand config, allowing to create fully customized discoveries

Inventory Properties
Completely configurable
Multiple inventories/pages
Fully customizable items
Codex inventory custom items:
> Category item
> Unlocked item
> Blocked item

Other Features
PlaceholderAPI variables
Plugin errors verify system
Works on 1.16.5+

Commands and Permissions

/codex Opens the main menu.
/codex unlock Unlocks a discovery for a player.
/codex resetplayer Resets a player discovery.
/codex open Opens an inventory for the player.
/codex reload Reloads the config.
/codex verify Checks the plugin for errors.

Access all plugin commands.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 15,927
First Release: Mar 20, 2021
Last Update: Jan 30, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
82 ratings
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