AutoShulker icon

AutoShulker -----

Craft shulker boxes that automatically collect certain drops!

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Have shulker boxes automatically collect certain drops!

(Note: this description is still to be updated)

AutoShulkers adds an awesome new feature: shulker boxes can automatically pickup certain drops! Just grab a shulker box and cram into to a crafting table, together with a book and all the blocks the shulker box should collect. Whenever you have your shulker box in your inventory, all defined drops that you pickup will automatically be stored inside the shulker box! Check out the video at the top to see it in action!

It is also possible to add new block types to an existing AutoShulker, but you have to use a new book for the crafting recipe. If you want the box to behave like a normal shulker box again, just remove the book from inside the shulker box.

You are mining, but your inventory gets filled up with all those useless blocks like cobblestone, diorite, andesite, etc? Just get 2 or 3 shulkerboxes and have them automatically collect all that useless stuff! You inventory will now only contain all the fancy diamonds etc. while the useless stones will be collected in your shulkerboxes! :)


If your inventory is already completely full, Spigot will not call any EntityPickupItemEvent. That means: if your inventory is already full (and/or couldn't store the item you currently try to pickup), then AutoShulker will also not get notified about this.
TL;DR: You usually need to have one slot free in your inventory for this plugin to properly work.
You can however use a dirty workaround, which is to tell players to keep having one item of each item the AutoShulker is supposed to pickup in their inventory.

Crafting recipes
All crafting recipes are explained in this short video:

Allows to use AutoShulker boxes

Allows to use Garbage boxes

Allows to craft AutoShulker boxes

Allows to craft Garbage boxes

Default configuration
You can view the default configuration here. AutoShulkers includes an automatic config updater, so you will always have the latest config version without having readd your changes from previous versions.

Other Plugins by me
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 232
First Release: Mar 18, 2021
Last Update: Nov 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
20 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings