Code (Text):
Awesome direct database access for Skript
What makes skript-db different from other SQL addons?
- Automatic SQL injection protection
- Support for connections to multiple databases
- An amazingly intuitive list variable system for reading query outputs
This is a fork of btk5h's skript-db with some changes, refer to our git repository for changelog and more syntaxes.
Documentation/Source -
Quickstart (MySQL example, but you can use SQLite, MariaDB, PostgreSQL too)
Code (Text):
on script load:
set {-sql} to the database "mysql://localhost:3306/mydatabase?user=admin&password=12345&useSSL=false"
Code (Text):
command /dbtest:
execute "select * from table" in {-sql} and store the result in {_output::*}
send "First entry in column: %{_output::columnname::1}%"
Code (Text):
command /insertmyprofile:
execute "INSERT INTO table (uuid,name,lastjoin) VALUES (%uuid of player%,%name of player%,%rounded unix timestamp of now%) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name=VALUES(name),lastjoin=VALUES(lastjoin)" in {-sql}
You can receive support by creating an issue at the
git repository, alternatively you can receive live chat support in my
Matrix chatroom.