Thimble is a minigame plugin where players must jump into the water and avoid the blocks laid by the previous jumps. The pool fills up after each successful jump.
Thimble, ou dé à coudre, est un plugin de mini-jeu où les joueurs doivent sauter dans l'eau et éviter les blocs posés par les sauts précédents. La piscine se remplit après chaque saut réussi. La langue française est incluse par défaut dans le plugin.
Two game modes: jump in turn or simultaneous jumps
Clickable signs to enter/exit the arena, or change block
Interface to choose the player's block, with rebalancing at the beginning of the game
Access to player statistics, saved in a database (SQLite, H2, MySQL, MariaDB and PostgreSQL supported)
A spectator mode for eliminated players (configurable)
The player can be in game and disconnected - until it's his/her turn (configurable)
Ability to set arena dimensions with WorldEdit to detect when the arena is empty
Support for waterlogged blocks
Integration with PlaceholderAPI: access to the leaderboard
Configurable messages using the MiniMessage formatting
An API for developers
Basic setup
/th arena create <arena> to create an arena
/th arena setSpawn <arena> to define the location where players appear when they join the arena
/th arena setJump <arena> to define where players will jump from
The arena is now operational! You can also change the minimum/maximum number of players (
setMax), set the waiting lobby once the game has started (
setWait), change the game mode (
setGameMode) or set the dimensions of the pool with WorldEdit (