AntiPermCheat | For your Serversecurity icon

AntiPermCheat | For your Serversecurity -----

Punish member which have a special permission

This script automatically ban user which have a special permission.

The script check on chatting, command executing, join, quit, break and place of blocks if the player have the special permission, and if anyone have them, the user get instant banned

You can change if the player should be banned if they have op.


Server which use this Script:


Your Server use this script? Then tell me via discord, discussion tab or via pm and I will add them all!! :) Or simply just write your serverip in the Review section


Commands and permissions:

/apermcheat list -> antipermcheat.command.list -> tell you which player was banned by this script and which player are checked currently

/apermcheat clear -> antipermcheat.command.clear -> Clear the list of detected and banned players

/apermcheat check (player) -> antipermcheat.command.check(.other) -> Check yourself for the banned permission or check another player

/apermcheat reload -> antipermcheat.command.reload -> Reload the script

/apermcheat version -> antipermcheat.command.version -> Check for an update

/apermcheat help (1-3) -> -> Show all commands and informations about this script

User can see only commands on the help page if they have the permission to use it

If you have any issues with this script then don't use the review section for this, please ask on our Discord or via the discussion task.

Discord: teslaa_


Don't keep this as your Skript
Don't Change anything below the configuration section

I hope that this script will prevent your server from griefing :)

Any ideas for updates? Write it via pm or write it In the discussion tab!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 920
First Release: Jan 11, 2021
Last Update: Feb 16, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings