A SurvivalGames plugin with potions and effects
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A Minecraft minigames plugin for Bukkit servers!
PotionGames is a minigames plugin that works like SurvivalGames but with potions and effects!
Set up your own loot table for the normal chest type
Set up your own potion effects for looting the normal chests
Set up your own chest types
Airdrops (Activate with redstone torch)
Loot coins and glass bottles to use in the shop
Setup 27 potions for the shop
Setup 26 kits to give sale prices for certain potions from the shop
Setup 27 lobbies with 26 arenas to vote for every round
Setup teams with your own team size
Use milk buckets to clear all of your potion effects
Eat soups with one click to also heal some health
Use stats with SQLite or MySQL
Use the stats wall to show the best three players
Use startOnJoin option to use this plugin with BungeeCord
Use GUI or sign to join a lobby
Rewards (Vault needed)
Download the latest release here!
Download the plugin
Download the latest release here!
Put the .jar in your plugins folder
Download Multiverse-Core
Download the latest release here!
Put the .jar in your plugins folder
Add mv.bypass.gamemode.*: true to your permissions.yml
Start your server
Import your worlds with /mv import [worldname] NORMAL
Change lobbySystem to false or true
Change the .yml files in the PotionGames folder like you want them
Restart your server to reload the changed plugin files
Use /pg setup to set up the plugin!
You need to be op or have the permission pg.setup
Create lobby /pg setlobby [lobbynumber]
Create arena /pg addarena [lobbynumber] [arenaname]
Add arena spawns /pg addspawn [lobbynumber] [arenaname]
Add chests to your arena
Add deathmatch spawns /pg adddeathmatch [lobbynumber] [arenaname] (activateDeathmatch = true)
You need to be op or have the permission pg.setup
Create lobby /pg setlobby
Create arena /pg addarena [arenaname]
Add arena spawns /pg addspawn [arenaname]
Add chests to your arena
Add deathmatch spawns /pg adddeathmatch [arenaname] (activateDeathmatch = true)
End Portal Frame: Normal chest like in SurvivalGames (With different item probabilities)
food1 20%
food2 10%
armour1 15%
armour2 15%
armour3 7%
armour4 5%
armour5 3%
weapons1 20%
weapons2 5%
Target: A special chest with Flame-Bow and Arrows
Netherite Block: A special chest with Netherite Ingots
Smithing Table: Upgrade Diamond- to Netherite Items (Build a Beacon next to the Smithing Table to make it shown on the whole map)
Composter: Shop with potions (Build a Beacon under the Composter to make it shown on the whole map)
Create Join and Stats Signs
Join Sign
Place a Sign and look at it, then use the command for your Lobby-System type
Stats Sign
Place a Sign and type in the second line PotionGames and in the third line Stats
Create Stats-Wall
Place 3 Player Heads on a block next to each other
Place 3 Signs at the front of the block
Now use the commands listed below to create a podium
Look at the head of the 1(2;3) player on the podium and do: /pg headp1(2;3)
Look at the sign of the 1(2;3) player on the podium and do: /pg signp1(2;3)
Commands and Permissions
/pg or /pg help or /pg commands - Get list of commands + permissions - Permission: none
/pg setlobby [lobbynumber] - Set lobby - Permission: pg.setup
/pg dellobby [lobbynumber] - Remove lobby - Permission: pg.setup
/pg addarena [lobbynumber] [arenaname] - Add an arena - Permission: pg.setup
/pg addspawn [lobbynumber] [arenaname] - Add a spawn - Permission: pg.setup
/pg adddeathmatch [lobbynumber] [arenaname] - Add a deathmatch spawn - Permission: pg.setup
/pg delarena [lobbynumber] [arenaname] - Remove an arena - Permission: pg.setup
/pg delspawn [lobbynumber] [arenaname] - Remove last spawn - Permission: pg.setup
/pg deldeathmatch [lobbynumber] [arenaname] - Remove last deathmatch spawn - Permission: pg.setup
/pg build - Activate build mode - Permission: pg.build
/pg pause - Pause timer/countdown - Permission: pg.pause
/pg force [arenaname] - Force an arena - Permission: pg.force
/pg start - Set lobby countdown to 10 - Permission: pg.start
/pg join [lobbynumber] - Join the game (startOnJoin = false) - Permission: pg.join
/pg list - Open GUI with all lobbies (startOnJoin = false) - Permission: pg.join
/pg leave - Leave the game (startOnJoin = false)
/pg stats [player] - Show player stats - Permission: pg.stats
/pg version - Show your and latest version of plugin - Permission: pg.update
/pg reload - Reload all config files - Permission: pg.setup
/pg headp1(2;3) - Add Player Head to Stats-Wall - Permission: pg.setup
/pg signp1(2;3) - Add Player Sign to Stats-Wall - Permission: pg.setup
/pg joinsign [lobbynumber] - Set Join-Sign - Permission: pg.setup
/pg setup - Set up the plugin - Permission: pg.setup
Colored name in player and spectator chat - Permission: pg.admin
Error messages - Permission: pg.admin
Update Checker - Permission: pg.update
/pg or /pg help or /pg commands - Get list of commands + permissions - Permission: none
/pg setlobby - Set lobby - Permission: pg.setup
/pg addarena [arenaname] - Add an arena - Permission: pg.setup
/pg addspawn [arenaname] - Add a spawn - Permission: pg.setup
/pg adddeathmatch [arenaname] - Add a deathmatch spawn - Permission: pg.setup
/pg delarena [arenaname] - Remove an arena - Permission: pg.setup
/pg delspawn [arenaname] - Remove last spawn - Permission: pg.setup
/pg deldeathmatch [arenaname] - Remove last deathmatch spawn - Permission: pg.setup
/pg build - Activate build mode - Permission: pg.build
/pg pause - Pause timer/countdown - Permission: pg.pause
/pg force [arenaname] - Force an arena - Permission: pg.force
/pg start - Set lobby countdown to 10 - Permission: pg.start
/pg join - Join the game (startOnJoin = false) - Permission: pg.join
/pg leave - Leave the game (startOnJoin = false)
/pg stats [player] - Show player stats - Permission: pg.stats
/pg version - Show your and latest version of plugin - Permission: pg.update
/pg reload - Reload all config files - Permission: pg.setup
/pg headp1(2;3) - Add Player Head to Stats-Wall - Permission: pg.setup
/pg signp1(2;3) - Add Player Sign to Stats-Wall - Permission: pg.setup
/pg joinsign - Set Join-Sign - Permission: pg.setup
/pg setup - Set up the plugin - Permission: pg.setup
Colored name in player and spectator chat - Permission: pg.admin
Error messages - Permission: pg.admin
Update Checker - Permission: pg.update
activateMySQL: false - Change between SQLite false and MySQL true database
mysql: - Setup your mysql database
gameServer: true - Change between Game-Server true and Hub-Server false
lobbySystem: false - Change between Single-Lobby false and Multi-Lobby true
countdown: 60 - Set the lobby countdown
maxPlayers: 24 - Set the amount of maximum amount of players
minPlayers: 12 - Set the amount of minimal amount of players to start the game
teamSize: 2 - Set amount of players in one team
roundTime: 30 - Set duration of the round in minutes
activateTeams: true - Teams allowed false or true
activateKits: true - Kits allowed false or true
activateShop: true - Shop allowed false or true
activateAirdrops: true - Airdrops allowed false or true
startOnJoin: false - Join the lobby when joining the server false or true (Example: BungeeCord)
language: en_US - Change language to one of the defined ones in the messages.yml file
activePotions: 19 - Change amount of used slots in the Potion-Shop (Maximum: 27)
activeKits: 6 - Change amount of used slots in the Kit-Chooser (Maximum: 26)
Rich Kid is hard coded and can only be deactivated
compassOnSpawn: false - Add Player-Finder to inventory on round start false or true
allowOutsideChat: false - Allows chatting with all players on the server false or true
changeGamerules: true - Decide if the plugin changes gamerules true or false
activateScoreboard: true - Activate scoreboard true or false
friendlyFire: false - Allows friendly fire on teammates true or false
joinStarted: true - Allows joining a match that has already started true or false
activateDeathmatch: true - Activate deathmatch when only two players are left true or false
enableRewards: true - Enable rewards true or false
winningReward: 100 - Set reward amount for winning
killReward: 10 - Set reward amount for kills (Vault needed)
Download the latest release here!
broadcastStarting: false - Broadcast when a lobby reached minimal amount of players false or true
To change a message just change the text in the messages.yml file
To add a language copy the existing lines and paste them below it and change the en_US to your language.
Also change the en_US in the config.yml to your language.
Download latest German and Chinese translation here!
Release History
ADD: Support for Minecraft 1.13+
ADD: Airdrops
ADD: Sounds
ADD: Rewards for kills and winning (Vault)
ADD: Deathmatch
ADD: Team-Mode
ADD: Scoreboard
ADD: One arena lobbies
ADD: Primed TNT to loot table
ADD: /pg reload command
ADD: /pg version command
ADD: Join lobby via gui
ADD: Support for 1.17
ADD: Bungee Hub-Server setting
ADD: Option to change all chest blocks
ADD: Option to add own blocks with their own loot table
ADD: Own settings per a lobby (Now every setting)
ADD: Inventory set up
ADD: Round-Time
ADD: Own settings per a lobby
ADD: Join-Sings with updating information
ADD: Multi-Arena-System
ADD: Option to change chest items and effects
ADD: Option to change database type between MySQL and SQLite
ADD: Option to deactivate mysql/stats
ADD: Option to change kits
ADD: Option to change shop items
ADD: Option to turn Teams, Kits and Shop on or off
ADD: Teams
ADD: Kits
ADD: Shop
ADD: ArenaVote-System
ADD: SurvivalGames-System with chests giving PotionEffects
Issues / Ideas
Report bugs / request features here!
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Resource Information
Total Downloads:
First Release:
Jan 8, 2021
Last Update:
Aug 3, 2024
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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