vanish.see - Other invisible players are still visible
Code (YAML):
settings: # When enabled the player is still in vanish when he rejoins remain-vanish-on-join: true
# Displays an action bar to the player that he is currently vanished action-bar-message: true
# Removes join and quit messages from vanished players disable-join-quit: true
prefix: '&c&lVanish &8»'
no-permission: '
%prefix% &cYou don''t have permission to perform this command!' enable: '
%prefix% &7You are now &ainvisible &7to all players.' disable: '
%prefix% &7You are now &cvisible &7to all players.' enable-other: '
%prefix% &7You &aenabled &7the vanish for &b%player%&7.' disable-other: '
%prefix% &7You &cdisabled &7the vanish for &b%player%&7.' not-online: '
%prefix% &cThis player is not online!' usage: '
%prefix% &cUsage: /vanish or /vanish <player>' no-player: '&cYou must be a player to execute this command!'
empty: '
%prefix% &cThere are no players in vanish!' list-players: '
%prefix% &evanished players&8: &a%players%' reload-message: '
%prefix% &aYou reloaded the configuration.' still-vanished: '
%prefix% &7Hey, you are still &bvanished&7!' active-vanish: '
%prefix% &7You are currently &ainvisible'