Other permissions:
spawnercollectors.bypass_limit #Bypass the spawner limit
spawnercollectors.spawner.<type> #Store that spawner type
spawnercollectors.spawner.<type>.<amount> #Max amount of spawner of that type
spawnercollectors.mob.<type>.<amount> #Max amount of mobs stored of that type
spawnercollectors.booster.<amount> #Sell booster
Default config:
Code (Text):
#------------------- General Settings -------------------#
#Plugin messages prefix
prefix: "&8[&eSpawners&8]"
#How often should the plugin check if new virtual mobs should spawn? (Seconds)
spawn_interval: 1
#How often should the players receive a "earned by auto-sell notification"? (Minutes)
#Set to 0 to disable
notify_interval: 1
#Currency symbol
currency: '$'
#Should the currency symbol be placed before the price?
currency_before: false
#Drop spawner item when spawner is broken with silktouch
enable_silktouch: true
#Enable enhanced placed spawners. This will make all placed spawners behave like
#the /sc spawners menu. Spawners will not summon mobs in the world, but players
#will be able to collect loot and sell "virtually" spawned mobs by right-clicking
#the spawner.
enable_enhanced_placed_spawners: true
#Enabling this will let other players collect loot and break other players' spawners
#(only if enhanced placed spawners are enabled)
enable_spawner_breaking: false
#Enable enhanced spawner stacking. This will allow players to stack spawners
#of the same type by clicking a spawner in their inventory when a spawner of
#the same type is opened.
enable_enhanced_spawner_stack: true
#Item name for withdrawn spawners (Placeholder: %entity%)
spawner_withdraw_name: "&r%entity% Spawner"
#Maximum allowed spawner amount per entity type (0 for unlimited)
#Can be bypassed with 'spawnercollectors.bypass_limit'
max_spawners: 0
#Should an action log be saved on plugin/server reload?
log: true
#Auto-save interval (seconds)
auto_save: 30
#Require permissions for sale, withdraw, auto-sell
#These permissions are:
# - spawnercollectors.sell,
# - spawnercollectors.auto_sell,
# - spawnercollectors.withdraw.mob
# - spawnercollectors.withdraw.spawner
#Enabling this also requires permissions to add each mob
#E.g. adding zombie spawners requires:
# - spawnercollectors.spawner.zombie
#You can also set max amount per mob, e.g:
# - spawnercollectors.spawner.zombie.10
more_permissions: false
#Should experience (XP) be given when mobs are withdrawn?
#This also requires the player to have permission node:
give_xp: true
#When enabled, right-clicking a spawner in your hand without
#placing it will open the spawner menu.
right_click_spawner_menu: true
#If give_xp is enabled, withdrawn mobs will also mend tools and armor
mending: true
#This will disable placing spawners on the ground. Can be
#bypassed with 'spawnercollectors.bypass_place'
disable_spawner_placing: false
#This will disable spawners from spawning mobs
disable_spawner_spawning: false
#Cancel overflowing items instead of dropping them on the ground
cancel_overflowing_items: false
#Maximum amount of mobs of a certain type the collector
#should be able to hold. Use 0 to disable
max_mobs: 1000
#Cooldown in milliseconds between mob withdrawals
withdraw_cooldown: 500
#Enable HeadDatabase hook
use_headdb: false
#Enable this to turn off collectors for AFK players
enable: true
time: 300 #Seconds
percentage: 0.5 #Percentage of worth to collect
#---------------- Data Storage Settings ----------------#
#Can be YAML or MYSQL
data_storage_method: YAML
#Following attributes apply if you're using MySQL only
address: localhost
port: 3306
database: spawnercollectors
user: root
password: password123
#Delay before loading data (only for MySQL) (ticks)
load_delay: 45
#(Default config replicates vanilla behaviour)
#How many mobs are spawned for every spawn
spawns: 4
min_time: 10 #Second
max_time: 40 #Second
#Enabling this will give more loot when withdrawing
#mobs if the player holds an item with the looting
enable_looting_enchantment: false
#----------------- Messages and sounds -----------------#
earned_notify: "&7Earned &a%worth% &7the past &e%time% minutes &7from auto selling spawners!" #Placeholders: %worth%, %time%
sell: "&7Sold mobs for &a%worth%&7!" #Placeholders: %worth%
sell_all: "&7Sold everything for a total of &a%worth%&7!"
not_supported: "&cThis entity type is not supported! Please contact an administrator to add it!"
plugin_reloaded: "&aPlugin reloaded!"
give_spawner: "&aSpawners successfully given!"
reached_max_spawners: "&cYou have reached the max limit of %max% for this mob type! Please try again with a lower amount!"
invalid_command_usage: "&cInvalid usage! Use /sc help"
no_permission_command: "&cYou do not have permission for this action!"
no_permission_mob: "&cYou do not have permission to add this mob!"
no_permission_sell: "&cYou do not have permission to sell mobs!"
no_permission_withdraw_spawner: "&cYou do not have permission to withdraw spawners!"
no_permission_withdraw_mob: "&cYou do not have permission to withdraw mobs!"
no_permission_auto-sell: "&cYou do not have permission to auto-sell!"
no_permission_place_spawner: "&cYou do not have permissions to place spawners!"
afk: "&cYou are now AFK. Collectors are turned off!"
no_longer_afk: "&aYou are no longer AFK. Collectors working normally"
withdraw_too_fast: "&cYou are withdrawing too fast!"
inventory_full: "&cYour inventory is full!"
not_loaded: "&cPlease wait for your spawners to load!"
not_owner: "&cYou do not own this spawner!"
#If you want to use HeadDatabase IDs instead of vanilla
#materials, enable HeadDB in the config.yml and place
#'hdb:' in front of the id! E.g. hdb:10000
price: 100
price: 100
price: 150
material: COW_SPAWN_EGG
price: 50
material: PIG_SPAWN_EGG
price: 50
price: 50
price: 50[/SIZE]