Have you ever wanted to be able to allow your players to run commands just by standing or walking over a certain block without having to use scripts or command blocks?
With this simple, efficient and lightweight plugin, you can do just that!
This plugin allows you to configure block stack up combinations to be able to let your players automatically trigger up to 4 simultaneous commands whenever the player either walks over or steps on the pre configured block combination.
This plugin also allows you to setup a 'teleport after trigger' feature that will then teleport the player to a set coordinate after they run the commands, this helps prevent command spamming issues!
There are 4 different block configurations that you can setup to allow up to 4 different sets of commands to be configured.
As of V2.9 the commands that the player triggers can be configured to run from either the player or the console.
As of v3.8.3 PosCommands natively supports running on Folia! Don't worry though, other Minecraft versions such as Paper and Spigot are still fully supported too!
As of v4.0.0 PosCommands has had a FULL recode to now an add unlimited amount of commandLocations and unlimited commands per location.
Want to try out the very latest dev builds? [Click here] Use the above dev build at your own risk! Please follow any and ALL instructions provided with EACH dev build released!
#If the commands you want to enter require the name of the player triggering them, replace their name #with the '%player%' placeholder within your command string. This will work on either player run or #if you have set the command to run from console. #An example would be 'effect give %player% minecraft:levitation 10 1' general:
developer-debug-mode: #Do you want to see a lot of debug messages in console when most actions are performed? #OPTIONS: 'true'/'false', PLACEHOLDERS: none, DEFAULT:'false' enabled: false
notify-triggered-commands: #Do you want to players with 'pc.notify.triggered` to receive notifications when a command is triggered? #OPTIONS: 'true'/'false', PLACEHOLDERS: none, DEFAULT:'true' enabled: true
cooldown: #Do you want to use a cooldown once a player has triggered a command set? #OPTIONS: 'true'/'false', PLACEHOLDERS: none, DEFAULT:'true' enabled: true
#How long do you want the cooldown to be? (In Seconds) (Cooldowns are NOT saved through a restart!) #OPTIONS: 'number', PLACEHOLDERS: none, DEFAULT:'5' time: 5
list: #Below are the commands that are triggered when a player walks over the blocks set below. #The commands are triggered in the order they are entered below. #The commands are executed by the player not the console. (Unless 'run-as-console=true') #Therefore the players must have the relevant permissions assigned. #The commands entered below DO NOT require the '/' before them. #You can add as many command locations as you like. #More commands can be triggered by adding more 'commands' sections below on each block combinations. #The 'enabled' option must be set to 'true' for the commands to be triggered. #PLACEHOLDERS: '%player%, %uuid%, %x%, %y%, %z%, %world%'
#Example: # 1: #This is the unique id of the command location. (Must be unique and numerical) # id: "Location1" #This is the unique name of the command location. (Cannot contain spaces) # enabled: true #Do you want this command location to be enabled? # top-trigger-block: OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE #The top block that triggers the command when walked over. # bottom-trigger-block: BEDROCK #The bottom block that triggers the command when walked over. # tp-away-enabled: false #Do you want the player to be teleported away when the command is triggered? # tp-away-world: 'world' #The world the player will be teleported to. # tp-away-x: 0.0 #The x coordinate the player will be teleported to. # tp-away-y: 100.0 #The y coordinate the player will be teleported to. # tp-away-z: 0.0 #The z coordinate the player will be teleported to. # tp-away-yaw: 0.0 #The yaw the player will be teleported to. # tp-away-pitch: 0.0 #The pitch the player will be teleported to. # commands: #The commands that are triggered when the player walks over the blocks. # 1: #This is the unique id of the command. (Must be unique and numerical) # id: 1 #This is the unique name of the command. (Must be unique and numerical) # enabled: true #Do you want this command to be enabled? # run-as-console: false #Do you want this command to be run as console? # command: 'kit starter' #The command that is triggered when the player walks over the blocks. # 2: # id: 2 # enabled: false # run-as-console: false # command: 'balance' # 3: # id: 3 # enabled: false # run-as-console: false # command: 'warp spawn' # 4: # id: 4 # enabled: false # run-as-console: false # command: '' 1:
id: "Location1" enabled: true
top-trigger-block: OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE
bottom-trigger-block: BEDROCK
tp-away-enabled: false
tp-away-world: 'world'
tp-away-x: 0.0
tp-away-y: 100.0
tp-away-z: 0.0
tp-away-yaw: 0.0
tp-away-pitch: 0.0
id: 1
enabled: true
run-as-console: false
command: 'kit starter'
id: 2
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: 'balance'
id: 3
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: 'warp spawn'
id: 4
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: ''
id: "Location2" enabled: false
top-trigger-block: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE
bottom-trigger-block: REDSTONE_BLOCK
tp-away-enabled: false
tp-away-world: 'world'
tp-away-x: 0.0
tp-away-y: 100.0
tp-away-z: 0.0
tp-away-yaw: 0.0
tp-away-pitch: 0.0
id: 1
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: 'rules'
id: 2
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: ''
id: 3
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: ''
id: 4
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: ''
id: "Location3" enabled: false
top-trigger-block: SPRUCE_PRESSURE_PLATE
bottom-trigger-block: OBSIDIAN
tp-away-enabled: false
tp-away-world: 'world'
tp-away-x: 0.0
tp-away-y: 100.0
tp-away-z: 0.0
tp-away-yaw: 0.0
tp-away-pitch: 0.0
id: 1
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: ''
id: 2
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: ''
id: 3
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: ''
id: 4
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: ''
id: "Location4" enabled: false
top-trigger-block: SPRUCE_PRESSURE_PLATE
bottom-trigger-block: OBSIDIAN
tp-away-world: 'world'
tp-away-x: 0.0
tp-away-y: 100.0
tp-away-z: 0.0
tp-away-yaw: 0.0
tp-away-pitch: 0.0
id: 1
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: ''
id: 2
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: ''
id: 3
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: ''
id: 4
enabled: false
run-as-console: false
command: ''
#Plugin command messages reload-beginning: "&aBeginning plugin reload..." reload-complete: "&aPlugin reload completed!" reload-broadcast: "&aThe plugin is being reloaded, please do not use PosCommands until completed!"
#Configured command responses cooldown: "&cSorry, you cannot use that for another &e%TIMELEFT% &cseconds!" command-location-disabled: "&cSorry, this command location is currently disabled!" location-toggle-responses:
enabled: "&aCommand location &e%COMMANDID% &ais now enabled!" already-enabled: "&cCommand location &e%COMMANDID% &cis already enabled!" enabled-incorrect-usage: "&cUnknown command! Please use &e/pcenable <command-id>&c." disabled: "&cCommand location &e%COMMANDID% &cis now disabled!" already-disabled: "&cCommand location &e%COMMANDID% &cis already disabled!" disabled-incorrect-usage: "&cUnknown command! Please use &e/pcdisable <command-id>&c." admin-notifications:
player-used-command: "&e%PLAYER% &bused the CommandLocation &e%COMMANDID% &bat location: &e%X%, &e%Y%, &e%Z% &bin world: &e%WORLD%&b."
#General messages no-permission: "&cSorry, you do not have permission to use that!"
#Plugin update messages update-available:
1: "&4*-------------------------------------------*" 2: "&c- A new version is available!" 3: "&4*-------------------------------------------*" no-update:
1: "&a*-------------------------------------------*" 2: "&a- Plugin is up to date!" 3: "&a*-------------------------------------------*" update-check-failure: "&4- Unable to check for updates! - &c"
CraptiCraft Development
CraptiCraft License Agreement is a legal agreement between Loving11ish's team and yourself for the use of any CraptiCraft developed plugins or software. By downloading, installing, or using the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
1. Grant of License
The Licensor grants the User a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to install and use the Software for personal, non-commercial use in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
2. Ownership
The Software is licensed, not sold. The Licensor retains all rights, title, and interest in and to the Software, including all intellectual property rights therein.
3. Permitted Use
The User may use the Software in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
The User may make one copy of the Software for backup or archival purposes.
4. Restrictions
The User shall not:
Modify, decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Software.
Distribute, sell, rent, lease, or sublicense the Software to third parties.
Remove or alter any proprietary notices or labels on the Software.
Use the Software for any unlawful purpose or in violation of any applicable law or regulation.
5. Updates and Support
The Licensor may, at its sole discretion, provide updates or support for the Software. Any updates provided by the Licensor shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement.
6. Termination
This Agreement is effective until terminated. The Licensor may terminate this Agreement at any time if the User fails to comply with any term of this Agreement. Upon termination, the User must cease all use of the Software and destroy all copies in their possession.
7. Disclaimer of Warranties
The Software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. The Licensor does not warrant that the Software will meet the User's requirements or that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error-free.
8. Limitation of Liability
In no event shall the Licensor be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the Software, even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of British GDPR, without regard to its conflict of law principles.
10. Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use of the Software/plugins and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings regarding such subject matter.
11. Severability
If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
12. Amendments
The Licensor reserves the right to modify this Agreement at any time. Any amendments to this Agreement will be effective upon posting the updated Agreement on the Licensor's website or through the Software itself.
13. Acceptance
By downloading, installing, or using the Software/plugins, the User acknowledges that they have read and understood this Agreement and agree to be bound by its terms.
14. Unlawful Use
Any and all unlawful use of the software is prohibited. this is for recreational purposes only. any and all liability is assumed by the customer/user the company CraptiCraft development and Mark Phillip Loving are not liable for any unlawful use of this software.
Thank you very much for taking the time to view my resource, if you have any issues, please leave a post on the discussions tab. Happy Minecrafting!