/DonorMotd Addplayer - Adds player to the config which means they can now set a motd
Permission: DonorMotd.Addplayer
/DonorMotd Addmotd ENTER MOTD HERE- Allows the donated player to set a motd
How do I add this to my store (such as Enjin, Tebex etc) and how does it work? On your store page, create a new package and label it something to do with purchasing a custom MOTD. In the commands section, add the command /donormotd addplayer {player} (or whatever the stores placeholder for the player who purchases). The player who purchased a motd will receive a message such as this They can then follow the message and type /DonorMotd addmotd (whatever they desire, colour codes supported too +blocks blacklisted word)
Does this plugin support BungeeCord? Yes.
Part 1: Setup on your Spigot server
Install the plugin onto your Spigot server
Start your server then stop it
Go into the Spigot plugins configuration in plugins>DonorMotd>config.yml
Under the MySQL section in the config, turn it to 'enabled' and enter your MySQL details.
Configure anything else you want, like changing the plugin messages, censored words etc
You may now start your Spigot server
Part 2: Setup in your BungeeCord server
Install the same plugin jar onto your BungeeCord server
Start your server then stop it
Go into your BungeeCord plugins configuration in plugins>DonorMotd>bungeeconfig.yml
Under the MySQL section in the config, turn it to 'enabled' and enter your MySQL details.
Configure your motd prefix
You may now start your Spigot server
The motds and added players are stored in MySQL
You can copy and paste the Spigot plugins configuration onto all your servers within your network
MySQL is only to be used with an accompanying BungeeCord server. The database must be the same on both servers.
If you are using the plugin locally (not on MySQL BungeeCord), all the purchased motds are stored in the motds.yml and each line will randomly be displayed in your server list for everyone to see. You can also add censored words in the config.yml
All plugin messages are fully customisable and translatable in the config.yml
Placeholders (on Spigot version): %onlineplayers% %maxplayers% %version% (if you want more placeholders, let me know which ones)
If anyone has suggestions or bug reports, please let me know in the discussions page DM me or leave IP in discussions