About AutomaticBroadcast
AutomaticBroadcast is a fully customizable automated messaging system for your Spigot/Bukkit server.
- /autobroadcast reload » Reloads the plugin's configuration.
- /autobroadcast toggle » Toggles the broadcasts on and off.
- /autobroadcast preview » Previews all the available broadcasts.
- /autobroadcast preview [broadcastTitle] » Previews the specific broadcast.
- /autobroadcast broadcast [broadcastTitle] » Broadcasts the specific broadcast.
- automaticbroadcast.reload » Allows the player to use the /autobroadcast reload command.
- automaticbroadcast.exempt » Prevents the player from receiving the broadcast if the option is enabled in the config.yml.
- automaticbroadcast.toggle » Allows the player to use the /autobroadcast toggle command.
- automaticbroadcast.preview » Allows the player to use the /autobroadcast preview command (must also have the automaticbroadcast.broadcastTitle permission).
- automaticbroadcast.broadcast » Allows the player to use the /autobroadcast broadcast command (must also have the automaticbroadcast.broadcastTitle permission).
Add ScheduledBroadcast to your server (along with AutomaticBroadcast) to create customizable Scheduled broadcast (Daily, Weekly, Monthly & more!).
Code (Text):
# The time between each message (seconds).
time-between-messages: 200
# Should the messages be sent in order or randomly?
# (The same message will never appear twice in a row)
random: false
# Should the automaticbroadcast.exempt permission be enabled?
# (Players with this permission will not receive the broadcasts if this option is enabled)
exempt-permission: false
# A list of worlds in which broadcasts will not be sent to the players.
- disabled-world
- disabled-world2
# A list of players that will not see the broadcasts.
- exempted-player1
- exempted-player2
# The message displayed when the command provided is invalid.
unknown-command: "&c&l[!] &cUnknown Command."
# The message displayed when the sender of the command does not have the permission to execute the command.
no-permission: "&c&l[!] &cYou do not have enough permission to do this."
# The message displayed when the configuration of the plugin is reloaded.
plugin-reload: "&3&lAuto&b&lmatic&8&lBroad&7&lcast &7&l>> &bPlugin Reloaded."
# The message sent to the sender of the "/automaticbroadcast toggle" (on) command.
toggle-on-message: "&3&lAuto&b&lmatic&8&lBroad&7&lcast &7&l>> &bBroadcasts &aenabled&b."
# The message sent to the sender of the "/automaticbroadcast toggle" (off) command.
toggle-off-message: "&3&lAuto&b&lmatic&8&lBroad&7&lcast &7&l>> &bBroadcasts &cdisabled&b."
# Should the toggle functionality be disabled on the server? (default=false)
disable-toggle: true
This is the config.yml file : You may choose to edit it but the default version of this configuration fits most servers.
Code (Text):
# Placeholders:
# Use '&' to use the basic minecraft color code.
# The plugin also supports hex colors : '𞉀'
# To create color gradients, you can use : https://rgb.birdflop.com/
# >> -> Changes automatically to the double arrow character.
# AutomaticBroadcast also supports PlaceHolderAPI placeholders (make sure the extension(s) you need are downloaded!)
# Please refer to PAPI's wiki : https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/wiki/Placeholders
# The broadcasts that will be displayed automatically.
# The name of the broadcast, basically a key word to know which broadcast is which (does not change anything in-game).
# Make sure every broadcast has a different name (no duplicates!)
# A list of messages that will be displayed when the broadcast occurs.
- ""
- " &b&l<< &3&l! &b&l>> AutomaticBroadcast"
- " &fThank you for downloading my &3&lAuto&b&lmatic &8&lBroad&7&lcast"
- " plugin! I hope it will be helpful on your server!"
- " &bVisit the support discord for any help with the plugin!"
- ""
# What will occur when a player clicks on the broadcast :
# "*" -> Suggests a message or command in the player's chat. (Ex.: */exemple -> Suggests "/exemple")
# "/" -> Forces the player to execute a command. (Ex.: /exemple -> Executes "/exemple")
# "link" -> Opens a link if IT IS VALID! (Make sure to add "https://...")
click: "/automaticbroadcast"
# The tooltip that will be displayed when the players hover over the message.
- " &b&l<< &3&l! &b&l>> ToolTip"
- "&3&l* &fMultiple lines!"
- "&3&l* &fUseful informations!"
- "&3&l* &fClickable!"
# The sound played for every player receiving the broadcast.
# Please refer to the bukkit list of sound: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
# The player(s) that should not receive this broadcast.
- exempted-player1
- exempted-player2
# The command(s) executed by the console along with the broadcast.
- "give @a dirt"
- "msg @a Thank you for installing my Plugin :)"
- ""
- " &d&l<< &5&l! &d&l>> Discord"
- " &fJoin the Automatic Broadcast support discord to"
- " get help changing the config of the plugin!"
- " &dJoin the discord on &d&ndiscord.io/AnimalPlugins&r"
- ""
- "&d&l<< &5&l! &d&l>> Click to join!"
click: "https://discord.io/AnimalPlugins"
- ""
- "[centered]&c&l<< &4&l! &c&l>> Staff Assistance"
- "[centered]&fIf you need any form of help or assistance"
- "[centered]from our staff, do not hesitate to ask us!"
- "[centered]&cMessage all online staff using: /helpop"
- ""
click: "*I need support!"
This is the broadcasts.yml file : You need to edit this file to add your personalized broadcasts!
Looking for help with AutomaticBroadcast? Join the AnimalPlugins
discord for support with the plugin!
Metrics collection
AutomaticBroadcast collects anonymous statistics via bStats.