OneBlock ⭐ ItemsAdder & Oraxen blocks support ⚡ icon

OneBlock ⭐ ItemsAdder & Oraxen blocks support ⚡ -----

An attempt to recreate the OneBlock minigame.

If you want to use (1.5.2 - 1.12). Redo the configuration of blocks and chests. if of course you want loot in chests)
If you want to use (1.5.2 - 1.7), use a special build!!! oneblock-for-[1.5.2 - 1.7]

[​IMG][WorldGuard] - premium version
Возьму заказ на плагин
How to start?
Create a world. For example: /mv create OneBlock normal -g Oneblock
You write "/ob set" where you want this mode to be. (For example, in an empty world.)
The player prescribes the command '/ob join' or '/ob' to join the island.
Each new island is x+100 from the place where you used the '/ob set' command. (You can set a different distance between the islands by slightly changing the command. for example: '/ob set 300')
one block[​IMG]
OneBlock minigame plugin.
Main Commands:
▌/ob set - set the first block /ob set 1 time for the admin then just /ob join and the island will be created by itself ...
▌/ob set 500 - set the first block and setting the distance of 500 blocks between the islands.
▌/ob circlemode true - the mode of creating islands in a circle.
▌/ob join - join a free block(x+100)
▌/ob autojoin true - when players connect to the world with oneblock mode, they will automatically join it.
▌/ob protection true - does not allow players to get out of the island)
▌/ob border true - border per player
▌/ob droptossup true - throws up a drop (item) above the block.
▌/ob physics false
#Apply physics to blocks? //for example: falling gravel
▌/ob invite 'playername' - invites the player to the island.
# If you just want to visit, use /tpa...
▌/ob kick 'playername' - kick an invited player off your island.
▌/ob accept - to accept an invitation.
▌/ob IDreset - removes you from the player base. you will be able to create a new island.
▌/ob lvl_mult 5 - The number of blocks that must be broken to get a new level is calculated using the formula:
16+level now*level multiplier
/ob UseEmptyIslands true - whether to overwrite abandoned islands.

Island Commands:
▌/ob islands true - Islands for new players.
▌/ob islands set_my_by_def - sets your island as default for new players.
▌/ob islands default - resets the custom island and sets the default.
▌/ob island_rebirth true - Rebirth of the player on the island

Config Commands:
▌/ob reload blocks.yml - reload...
▌/ob listlvl - displays a list of levels from blocks.yml
▌/ob listlvl 12 - displays a list of blocks added at the level from blocks.yml
▌/ob reload chests.yml - reload chests?...

Other Commands:
/ob setleave
/ob leave
/ob chat_alert - display the level in the chat
/ob Progress_bar color RED - set Progress_bar color
/ob Progress_bar true - on Progress_bar
/ob Progress_bar false - off Progress_bar
/ob Progress_bar level - Progress_bar level mode
/ob Progress_bar settext <text> - Progress_bar text change
/ob setlevel "nick" 14 - set ob level
/ob clear 'player' - reset the player ob level and remove his island
/ob ver
//for your suggestions ✔️[​IMG]

You can display the level in the progress bar:

You can change the color of the progress bar:

use: /ob Progress_bar level

You can specify the color of the progress bar for each level separately! In the blocks.yml file, the second line (after the line with the name of the level)

%OB_lvl% - The player's level number.
%OB_next_lvl% - The number of the next level.
%OB_break_on_this_lvl% - The number of broken blocks at this level.
%OB_need_to_lvl_up% - The number of blocks that still need to be broken to level up.
%OB_player_count% - The number of players in the OneBlock world.
%OB_lvl_name% - The name of the player's current level.
%OB_lvl_lenght% - The length of the level.
%OB_next_lvl_name% - The name of the next level.
%OB_owner_name% - The name of the owner of your island.
%OB_percent% - Percentage of level completion.
%OB_scale% - Proportional scale of level completion.
%OB_top_1_name% - The name of the player with the highest island level.
%OB_top_1_lvl% - The level of the player with the highest island level.
%OB_number_of_invited% - The number of people invited to your island.

You can use placeholders in the progress bar text!
Code (Text):
/ob progress_bar settext %OB_lvl% lvl now. Need block to next lvl %OB_need_to_lvl_up%.

Custom Blocks support
you can spawn custom blocks (from mods or plugins) using the commands specified in blocks.yml

for example:
- '/setblock %d %d %d IC2:blockOreCopper'
- '/setblock %d %d %d IC2:blockOreTin'
- '/setblock %d %d %d IC2:blockOreUran'
- '/setblock %d %d %d ic2:resource 4'

̶O̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶6̶6̶6̶ ̶d̶o̶w̶n̶l̶o̶a̶d̶s̶.̶ Does anyone really use this plugin?
̶1̶0̶k̶ ̶d̶o̶w̶n̶l̶o̶a̶d̶s̶.̶
̶2̶0̶k̶ ̶d̶o̶w̶n̶l̶o̶a̶d̶s̶.̶
̶3̶̷̶0̶̷̶k̶̷̶ ̶̷̶d̶̷̶o̶̷̶w̶̷̶n̶̷̶l̶̷̶o̶̷̶a̶̷̶d̶̷̶s̶̷̶!̶̷̶!̶̷̶!̶̷̶ ̶
̶40̶̷̶k̶̷̶ ̶̷̶d̶̷̶o̶̷̶w̶̷̶n̶̷̶l̶̷̶o̶̷̶a̶̷̶d̶̷̶s̶̷̶!̶̷̶!̶̷̶!̶̷̶
̶5̶0̶k̶.̶.̶.̶ ̶c̶o̶o̶l̶!̶
60k...very cool!
70... but where are the donations hmm...

90k yep
100k is a number worthy of respect!
110k ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
125k thanks!?

Change blocks in yml file/
Change chest item in yml file/
Top Donations:
Stickeer - 1000,00 RUB

Edyangel - 146,95 RUB

Special thanks to:


#one block plugin
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 419,302
First Release: Aug 27, 2020
Last Update: Feb 3, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
46 ratings
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