Minecraft server mod/plugin to show TPS, MSPT, and other information in the tab menu, boss bar, and action bar
Supports Minecraft versions 1.8.8-1.21.4+ on Paper/Spigot
Also supports Fabric and NeoForge (get the mod
Live information displays
Tab menu
Command: /tabtps toggle tab
Boss Bar
Command: /tabtps toggle bossbar
Action Bar
/tabtps toggle actionbar
- Configure what information will be shown using display configs (located in /plugins/TabTPS/display-configs/)
- Each display config has a permission associated, and players with that permission will use that display config.
- The default display config uses the permission tabtps.defaultdisplay, and allows for using all three display types.
- Only one display config can be assigned to each player, even if they have permission for multiple. Set priorities for different display configs in the main config (plugins/TabTPS/main.conf)
- Configure colors for displays using theme configs (located in /plugins/TabTPS/themes/)
Improved TPS command
- Command: /tickinfo or /mspt
- Permission required: tabtps.tps
Memory/RAM info command
- Command: /memory, /ram, or /mem
- View information about the current memory pools of the server jvm.
- Permission required: tabtps.tps
- Note: the output and usefulness of this command varies depending on the type of garbage collection used, garbage collection settings, and many other factors.
Ping command
- Commands:
- /ping
- View your own ping
- Permission:
- /ping [username]
- View the ping of a specific user
- Permission:
- /pingall
- View a summary of the pings of all online players
- Permission:
Reload config command
- Command: /tabtps reload
- Permission required: tabtps.reload