MiniMOTD is a basic MOTD plugin that is compatible with legacy Minecraft versions up through 1.21+ (Also supports BungeeCord, Sponge,
Velocity, and
Fabric). MiniMOTD gets its name from
MiniMessage, the library used to parse text in MiniMOTD.
- RGB Colors in MOTD
- RGB Color Gradients in MOTD
- Downsample RGB Colors for outdated clients
- Randomized MOTDs
- Fake player count
- Just X more max players
- Randomized MOTDs
- Randomized Server Icon Image
- To use, place 64x64 png files in the plugins/MiniMOTD/icons folder
- Pair certain Server Icons with certain MOTD texts
- And more!
- Make sure to read over the wiki and configuration files to understand all of the options
- minimotd.admin
Required to use /minimotd reload
- Ask for support at my Discord or in the Discussion tab! Reviews are not for questions or support!
- The download from this page is only for Spigot-based servers (including Paper and forks) and Bungeecord-based proxies (including Waterfall). See the Links section above for other downloads.