ChatInjector 1.13+ icon

ChatInjector 1.13+ -----

Inject PlaceholderAPI placeholders into your chat with EssentialsXChat

This plugin translates PlaceholderAPI placeholders into plugins that do not natively support it. This plugin obviously requires PlaceholderAPI.

Note: This only works for the chat format, not any actual messages sent by the player or sent by plugins.

Say you want to put a players faction information with the FactionsUUID placeholders using EssentialsXChat.
Find the placeholder (example): %factionsuuid_faction_relation_color%
Replace the percent signs with brackets. Your placeholder should look like this: {factionsuuid_faction_relation_color}.

The factions color, role, and name would look like this:
Code (YAML):
{factionsuuid_faction_relation_color } {factionsuuid_player_role } {factionsuuid_faction_name } {DISPLAYNAME } &8ยป &r {MESSAGE }
Reload EssentialsXChat and it will appear.

1. Fully stop the server
2. Make sure you have PlaceholderAPI version 2.11.6 (the latest) on your server!!! You will also need a chat plugin. I have tested the latest build of EssentialsXChat (v2.21.0-dev+149) on 1.21.3 and everything works
3. Add the ChatInjector plugin
4. Start the server

Additional notes:
This is a continuation of the original ChatInjector plugin which can be found here. Please note that version 1.0.2 doesn't support translating chat messages themselves, only the format. This is because versions 2.10.7 and newer of PlaceholderAPI break this. If you would like to parse the chat format and chat messages, you'll need to have version 1.0.1 of ChatInjector, version 2.10.6 of PlaceholderAPI, and the latest version of ProtocolLib. Sorry for the inconvenience, I will look into fixing this. Please do not leave a 1 star review if you receive errors in the console. Post it in the discussion thread and I will gladly assist you. Thanks for understanding.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,914
First Release: Jul 8, 2020
Last Update: Dec 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
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