What is Yottabyte? The definition is a unit of information equal to one septillion bytes! (10^24) Yottabyte also is a series of plugins made by
@Wekylend .
usage: "&a&l[!]&7 /%command%" no-permission: "&c&l[!]&c You don't have permission." config-reloaded: "&a&l[!]&7 You reloaded the &aconfig.yml&7!" crafting-denied: "&c&l[!]&c Crafting a(n) &a%item%&c is disabled!" smithing-denied: "&c&l[!]&c Creating a &a%item%&c is disabled!" elytra-denied: "&c&l[!]&c Elytras have been disabled on this server!" anvil-denied: "&c&l[!]&c Using an anvil with a(n) &a%item%&c is disabled!" anvil-renaming-denied: "&c&l[!]&c Renaming items in anvils is disabled!" crafting-bypassed: "&a&l[!]&7 You bypassed the anti-crafting for&a %item%&7." smithing-bypassed: "&a&l[!]&7 You bypassed the anti-smithing for&a %item%&7." anvil-bypassed: "&a&l[!]&7 You bypassed the anti-anvil for&a %item%&7." elytra-bypassed: "&a&l[!]&7 You bypassed the anti-elytra." empty-hand: "&c&l[!]&c You must have an item in your hand!" already-blacklisted: "&c&l[!]&c This item is already blacklisted!" already-unloaded: "&c&l[!]&c This item is already unloaded!" cannot-blacklist: "&c&l[!]&c Couldn't remove that item from the blacklist!" cannot-unload: "&c&l[!]&c Couldn't unload that item!" blacklisted-item: "&a&l[!]&7 You've added &a%item% &7to the blacklist." unloaded-item: "&a&l[!]&7 You've unloaded &a%item% &7crafting recipe." blacklist-item-remove: "&a&l[!]&7 You've removed &a%item% &7from the blacklist." unload-item-remove: "&a&l[!]&7 You've loaded &a%item% &7crafting recipe." settings:
reload-command: yottabyte.anticraft.reload
blacklist-command: yottabyte.anticraft.blacklist
unload-command: yottabyte.anticraft.unload
craft-bypass: yottabyte.anticraft.bypass
smithing-bypass: yottabyte.anticraft.smithing.bypass
anvil-bypass: yottabyte.anticraft.anvil.bypass
anvil-renaming-bypass: yottabyte.anticraft.anvil.rename.bypass
elytra-bypass: yottabyte.anticraft.elytra.bypass
disable-all-crafting: false
disable-all-smithing: false
disable-all-anvils: false
disable-all-anvil-renaming: false
disable-all-elytras: false
disable-all-potions: false
disable-all-smelting: false