HopperSorter 1.8~1.21.4 | Upgradable | Item Filter | Transfer Item | Smelt | Multiple Block Linking icon

HopperSorter 1.8~1.21.4 | Upgradable | Item Filter | Transfer Item | Smelt | Multiple Block Linking -----

Transfer items to the containers with filter | Reduce the amount of vanilla hopper

Test server: plugin.slowtomato.com (Server Version: 1.18.1) [Please contact me if you are not able to join the server]

V3 is coming soon. The beta version is available for download on the Discord server once you are verified as a buyer
>> What's new in V3

HopperSorter requires Vault to be installed

Tired of players complaining they can't make a chest sorting system due to the hopper limit per chunk?

Are players using too many hoppers just to sort their chest items, resulting in server lag? Trying to find a hopper plugin that helps players transfer items to containers far away from the hopper?

No worries, HopperSorter will solve your problem!

Expand the spoiler to understand how the number of hoppers is reduced after using HopperSorter!

As you can see, it requires a lot hoppers to sort a little amount of item


If use hoppersorter, it can reduce a lot hoppers amount.


Player just have to setup the hoppersorter, link the material to the container they want.


Auto Furnace System (Without item filter)



With HopperSorter, player can make a auto furnace + filter system



HopperSorter allows the player to specify which slot the item should be transferred to if the block is a furnace/smoker/blast furnace.



Item transferring/filter

HopperSorter allow the players to link specific item to specific chest/furnace

You can use hopper to transfer all the item from the container that above the hopper or in the hopper's inventory to the container you want. You can also set specific items goes to specific container if you want to sort your chest

[​IMG] [​IMG]

Furthermore, one material can be linked to multiple containers. The item will get transferred to the second (or third, forth, ...) if the previous container is full or destroyed.


Can't remember which block you have linked for the item? Simply enable the particle effect to show the blocks! You can also find out the missing block if the particle is red.


The plugin has provided 3 different type of linkage: Storage (Chest, Barrel, etc), Furnace (Furance, Smoker, Blast Furnace) and Void (Item will be deleted)


The plugin also provide a feature for player to upgrade their hopper. Look at the feature list for more detail about upgradable hopper.
This feature can be disabled in the config.yml if you do want the hopper to be upgradable.


Auto Smelting
Player can also enable the "smelt" for specific linked block. For example sand is linked to Chest A and Chest B, Chest A has smelt enabled, the sand will become glass after transferring to Chest A, but it will remain as a sand when it is transferred to Chest B.

Also, you can configure the smelt duration for each material in config.yml.

Money cost is supported in smelt, configurable in config.yml

Item Suction
Hopper can pick up the item around it. You can disable this in config.yml if you do not like it.

Activate Hopper by redstone
The hopper can be enabled/disabled by using redstone instead of doing it from the GUI. This feature can also be disabled in the config.yml


Power Consumption
You can also set the hopper consume a specific amount of power to transfer the item. The player can refill the power by providing fuel to the hopper

Hopper will auto take fuel from fuel storage if it is out of power.

Access Control
Players can add other players to the hopper to give them access to modify it. This is useful for managing access control, especially on a skyblock server, we believe. :)




  • Gui interface
    • player doesn't need to use any command, all are done in GUI
  • High Performance
    • Plugin will stop handling the hopper if there're nothing needed to be transfer, to prevent executing unnecessary process.
    • Plugin will not process the hopper if the owner of the hopper is not online unless it is allowed in config.yml
    • Plugin will not process the hopper if the hopper is located in an unloaded chunk
    • The hopper will not transfer the item to the block which is located in an unloaded chunk
  • Upgradable Hopper
    • Able to turn off the feature if you don't allow player to upgrade hopper
    • Max Level [configurable]
    • Max block of material can link [configurable]
    • Max material of hopper can filter [configurable]
    • Max amount of sub user can be added [configurable]
    • Item transferring speed [configurable]
    • Item suction interval [configurable]
    • item suction range [configurable]
    • item suction amount [configurable]
  • Craftable HopperSorter/Fuel Chest
    • Editable crafting recipe
  • Most of the settings are configurable
    • Hopper
      • Transfer speed
      • Item transfer amount
      • Item transfer cost
      • Limit amount of hopper in a chunk
      • Max Power
      • Disable hoppersorter in certain worlds
      • Block distance limit
    • GUI interface
      • Everything thing in GUI are configurable
      • Support custom skull
    • Particle colors
    • Item Suction
      • interval in ticks
      • range
      • the amount of power it consumes
    • Smelt
      • Smelt duration of each materials
      • Smelt cost (power, money)
    • Fuel
      • The material of the fuel
      • The amount of the power being recharged
      • multiple material
  • Support 5 databases
    • YAML
    • MySQL
    • SQLite
    • MongoDb
    • MariaDb
  • Supported Plugins
    • BentoBox, SuperiorSkyblock2, IridiumSkyblock, FabledSkyblock
      • Players are not allowed to link block to other player's island
      • Option to allow island's members to have full access to all the hoppers on their island
      • Hopper limit of each island
    • Lands
      • Players are not allowed to link to the block to other player's land
      • Option to allow trusted players to have full access to all the hoppers on their land
    • AdvancedChest, WildChests
      • For AdvancedChest, make sure to set chest_remove_event to true
    • WildStacker, RoseStacker
    • LocaleLib, LangUtils
      • Translate material's and block's name to the language you want
    • HeadDatabase
      • Use custom skull in the GUI!
    • Holographic Display, CMI, DecentHolograms
      • Display a hologram above the hopper!
      • [​IMG]
- Vault

Wiki: here
Commands/Permissions: here

Note: Do not use /reload or any plugin to reload the plugin!

Having issues with the plugin? You can report it in the discord server.
It might take some time for me to reply as I am a student. Thank you for your patience


Terms of Service

  1. You must be over the age of 18 or have parental permission to purchase this plugin.
  2. You must have authorization to use the debit/credit card or PayPal account used for the purchase.
  3. You are permitted to use the plugin on multiple servers as long as these servers belong to you.
  4. You may not redistribute, resell, or share the plugin with others.
  5. You may not report this plugin on any other website or platform.
  6. You may not claim this plugin as your own creation.
  7. No refunds will be provided. If you file a dispute, you will lose access to the plugin immediately.
  8. You are allowed to use the plugin on multiple servers as long as these servers belong to you
By purchasing the plugin, you agree to the Terms of Service. These Terms of Service may be changed at any time without prior notice.

Tags: hopper, hoppersorter, hopper sorter, hopper sorting plugin, reduces hopper amount, item filtering, island hopper, transfer item, hopper plugin, chest sorting plugin, custom item filtering,
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 279
First Release: Jul 10, 2020
Last Update: Jan 1, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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