Hi everyone!
BetterThings is a plugin that is perfect for a realistic server or for new mechanics, it provides an intelligent system for different actions that will increase your thirst and fatigue, as well as new drinks to counter that, items and recipes.
Emojis customizables, no dependencies!
General features:
- All messages customizables with color codes (100%)
- PlaceHolders, Tabcompleter
- Very customizable config, items, modes, etc.
- Fast Discord Support
- Every minute you thirst and fatigue will decrease or through certain events.
- Deny actions when is too low.+
- Contant Action Bar or when the attribute was modified
- Own afk checks
- Excluded creative players
- Players can toggle their thirst and fatigue
- Shop to buy the drinks! and such more!
Thirst features:
- The heat makes you very thirsty, being on top of lava, torch, camfire and more!
- When you are very thirsty, you will not regenerate hearts
- When you are very thirsty, you get dizzy.
- You can drink from a water block, but you can get poison.
Fatigue features:
- When you are very tired, you will not regenerate life by food
- When you are very tired, you become slow and your sight is closed (darkness)
- When you are very tired, will produce mining fatigue.
- Running makes you tired (sprinting)
- You can rest in the day like at night, just for recover fatigue
- Sleeping makes you hungry
And more will be added!
- Bar shop command
- Vault support
- Fully customizable, see the config!
Drinks will quench your thirst and produce certain effects, for example caffe also reduces fatigue, drinks have different levels that quench thirst (configurable)
- Coffe
- Milk
- Lemonade
- Wine
- Juice
- GodJuice
More are coming!
Soon there will be new recipes and new items for all drinks
Lemon (On birch leaves decay events )
Read the documentation for permissions, commands and the default config.
Please for suggestions or bugs use the discord channel.
If you want custom features, contact me.