StoreStats - Recent & Top Donators ⭐ Goals, Leaderboards, Broadcasts⭐ [1.8.x - 1.21.x] icon

StoreStats - Recent & Top Donators ⭐ Goals, Leaderboards, Broadcasts⭐ [1.8.x - 1.21.x] -----

⭐ Show your recent, top donators and donation goals in-game! Tebex/CraftingStore/MineStore support!

Natively built on 1.21.x but works on 1.8.x - 1.21.x
Currently increasing sales for [​IMG] servers.
[​IMG] [​IMG]
[​IMG] [​IMG]

StoreStats is a plugin where you can display your recent or your top (Weekly, Monthly or All-Time) donators via leaderboards or placeholders and all your donation goals, as a bonus, you may broadcast your new donators with a command.

Recent, top donators, as well as donation goals, can be shown via store displays with different display types, such as signs, heads, armor stands , NPCs, holograms or even using placeholders anywhere where it's supported. These will all get updated on the creation and periodically, set in config or forced on command.

Great plugin to show your recent/top donators off in-game such as a Hub or spawn area or even on TAB to potentially increase sales and give recognition to those supporting your server!


  • Config Settings for the store information, update timer, sign format, visuals of the goals and messages used in the plugin.
  • Regular Plugin updates with bug fixes
  • Timeframes. Show your recent, top weekly, top monthly or even all-time top donators.
  • GUI Browser to check all the information the plugin has cached from your store.
  • Tebex, CraftingStore & MineStore support. Show your donators with the two most popular Minecraft stores!
  • Cache System. Uses the minimum required connections and caches information to keep system impact as low as possible.
  • Different Display Types. Show off your donators in sign, head, armor stand, NPC or hologram form anywhere!
  • Payment Placeholders. show your recent/top donators anywhere that supports PAPI, Holograms, TAB, Scoreboards, Chat, Action bars, Boss bars and more!
  • Community Goals. Show an unlimited amount of goals anywhere that supports PAPI, Holograms, TAB, Scoreboards, Chat, Action bars, Boss bars and more!
  • Minimum Payments. Only show what you want not a bunch of $0.00 payments from gift card usage for example.
  • Highly efficient with performance in mind since the start and highly optimized, if you see any timings/heap reports with StoreStats being an issue, send me the information and I will do my best.
  • Async Web Connections. Won't lock the main thread when connecting to your store for information.
  • Async Chunk Loading. Won't lock the main thread when loading chunks to update the signs/heads/armor stands and NPCs.
  • Task Distribution. Tasks are separated across ticks instead of hammering the server in a single tick.
  • Developer API. The plugin currently has a single AsyncStoreBroadcastEvent.
  • Supports all Popular Versions. This means you can show off your donators on 1.8 or even 1.19!
  • Hex colors in supported Minecraft versions.
  • Supports all Currencies.
  • and many more...

  • %storestats_goal_current_ID% shows the current amount in that goal.
  • %storestats_goal_current_ID_no_overflow% shows the current amount in that goal only if it's equal to or lower than its target. Capping at its target amount.
  • %storestats_goal_target_ID% shows the target amount in that goal.
  • %storestats_goal_achieved_ID% shows the number of times the goal has been achieved.
  • %storestats_goal_progress_ID% shows the progress of that goal, such as 34.12%
  • %storestats_goal_progress_ID_no_overflow% shows the progress of that goal, such as 34.12%, capping at 100%.
  • %storestats_goal_progressbar_ID% shows the progress bar of that goal such as ████████
Replace "ID" with the community goal ID.

How to get your goal ID: This is found in the URL when editing a goal.

MineStore: Use any ID because currently MineStore only supports one goal.
  • %storestats_payment_uuid_ID_TIMEFRAME% returns the player's UUID from that payment.
  • %storestats_payment_player_ID_TIMEFRAME% returns the player's name from that payment.
  • %storestats_payment_amount_ID_TIMEFRAME% returns the amount of money in that payment.
  • %storestats_payment_packages_ID_TIMEFRAME% returns the packages in that payment.
Replace ID with your desired recent payment or top donor position.
Replace TIMEFRAME with Recent, Week, Month, Current_Month or All_Time.

  • %storestats_total_spend_UUID/USERNAME% returns the total amount spent by the player.
Replace UUID/USERNAME with your desired player UUID/USERNAME.

To use placeholders on Featherboard etc using

MVdWPlaceholderAPI, simply use the same placeholders but use
{placeholderapi_*} such as {placeholderapi_storestats_goal_current_ID}


Tebex, CraftingStore or MineStore StoreStats only works with Tebex/Buycraft, CraftingStore & MineStore stores right now.
Citizens or FancyNpcs for showing your recent donators in NPC form with their username and skin!
PlaceholderAPI for the placeholders/community goals.
SkinsRestorer for getting skin data for the broadcast effects when using MCHeads as the skin service and if the player has a custom skin.
ZNPCsPlus (Basic support) for ensuring that the NPCs are force-updated to display the most recent information. (You should use Placeholders for their skin and texts) - StoreStats just makes sure they get force respawned when a store update happens.

All dependencies are soft but you need them to enable extra features.


  • /StoreStats Shows the command help menu.
  • /StoreStats Set (Display Type) (Number) (Timeframe) Adds a new store display while looking at the display type needed such as a Sign, Head, Armor Stand, Hologram or NPC.
  • /StoreStats Unset (Display Type) Removes a store display while looking at the display type needed such as a Sign, Head, Armor Stand, Hologram or NPC. (Remember that invalid displays get removed naturally so don't feel like you need to unset them manually)
  • /StoreStats Force Will force an update to all store displays in the database and placeholders.
  • /StoreStats Payment (Number) (Timeframe) Will give you information on that payment number.
  • /StoreStats GUI [Timeframe] Opens the GUI browser, the main menu or the timeframe if supplied.
  • /StoreStats Goal (Number) Will give you information on that goal number.
  • /StoreStats Broadcast (Player Name) (Package Price) (Package Name) Will do a broadcast for a new purchase/donation for a player.
  • /StoreStats Reload Will reload the plugin and everything within it including config, tasks and will attempt a reconnect to your store.
  • /StoreStats Help Will show you information about the plugin commands and how to use them.
  • storestats.command.set Permission to add new store displays.
  • storestats.command.unset Permission to remove store displays.
  • storestats.command.force Permission to use the force arg.
  • storestats.command.payment Permission to use the payment arg.
  • storestats.command.gui Permission to use the GUI arg.
  • storestats.command.goal Permission to use the goal arg.
  • storestats.command.broadcast Permission to use the broadcast arg.
  • storestats.command.reload Permission for reload arg.
  • Permission for the help arg.
  • storestats.* Permission for all the above.

If you need support/help then don't hesitate to get in touch with me in a direct message here.

If the above link contains an error message that is because you have low activity on your account to prevent spam bots. Please place a comment here asking for me to message you or ask for help there.

Plugin setup:

StoreStats is very easy to set up!

Step 1. Drag and drop the StoreStats-x.x.x.jar into your server's plugins folder and start the server so the plugin generates the config needed.

Step 2. Go into StoreStats/Config.yml and put your Tebex/Buycraft or CraftingStore secret key! The key needed is the key you also use for your Tebex/Buycraft or CraftingStore plugin such as the one from or or for MineStore place your store URL and API key if you used one when setting up in the config.

Step 3. Restart your server or do /StoreStats reload and check if the server connected to your store, if not make sure you're using the correct key and store type.

Step 4. Make your store displays/holograms etc. and enjoy!

Additionally you can change the plugin messages and even the sign format!

Store Display setup:

Simply do the /storestats set command with the correct display type, payment position and timeframe information!

For example:
If you wish to setup a sign that shows most recent donator, simply place any sign you wish anywhere and then do /storestats set sign 1 recent while looking at it, the other types are straight forward if you understand this.

The only odd ones are when using Holograms or zNPCsPLUS, you need to look at the block to act as its base but you can remove the block after you set the display.

Community Goals Setup:

These are very simple to setup but you need PlaceholderAPI and where ever you are placing these, will need to support PlaceholderAPI too.

Simply place the placeholder for the community goal you want in the text you're displaying such as %storestats_goal_current_12345%, which will show the current goal counter.

Note: You also need to make sure whatever plugin your using to show the goals is updating the lines of the goal placeholders otherwise you'd get stuck with "Updating" and will stay static until the plugin requests the placeholder again.

Purchase Broadcast Setup:

To set this up you need to add the StoreStats broadcast command to your web store's global commands, For Tebex users going to and under "Global Game Server Commands" and add a new command for when a package is purchased, " storestats broadcast {username} {packagePrice} {packageName}", for other stores you'll have to find the global commands and their placeholders.



[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 545
First Release: Jul 4, 2020
Last Update: Oct 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
50 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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