Printer icon

Printer -----

Make printing schematics easy by using Printer!



This plugin implements a mode called "Printer" that allows building to be a much smoother experience - requiring no time to go to the shop, no time doing math to figure out how many blocks you need to buy and all the time for building!

While in printer mode, the player is put into creative mode, and when the player places a block, they are charged.

If you have a shop hook like ShopGUIPlus, the price for the block will automatically be obtained from it. Otherwise, you can manually add the price for the block in prices.yml in the Printer folder.

This means the player can place blocks as they desire instead of paying for stacks and stacks of blocks in survival mode.

Patched Exploits
Printer plugins are known for their exploits, where this plugin has no exploits!
Following are some of the printer-mode exploits which are patched in this plugin:
  • CTRL + MIDDLE_CLICK container to keep contents
  • Going into others' territories
  • Dropping items and picking up dropped items
  • Accessing containers, item frames and armor stands
  • Getting items from mods (NotEnoughItems etc.)
  • And many more...

  • Shops (ShopGuiPlus, DynamicShop and zShop)
  • Factions (MassiveCraft, FactionsX and UUID)
  • Skyblock (SuperiorSkyblock2, BentoBox, ASkyBlock and IridiumSkyblock)
  • Residence
  • Lands
  • GriefDefender
  • ClaimChunk
  • Citizens (to distinguish between player and a citizen)

  • The Vault plugin MUST be on the server for this plugin to work, as the economy hook depends on Vault
  • If Vault does not support your economy system, this plugin will sadly not work


This plugin has completely configurable messages, prices per block, and a few miscellaneous features such as toggling whether printer is allowed in Wilderness. Visit this page for a full explanation of the config:


For more information about this plugin, the source code and how to get support for the plugin, message Reachy#0001 on Discord or file an "Issue" on

If you like the plugin and want to support me, feel free to donate here!:

Please make sure to check out our other resources!

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,981
First Release: Jun 7, 2020
Last Update: May 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
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