WanderingTrades is a plugin that allows server owners to customize the trades of Wandering Traders through an easy to use in-game GUI. Also allows for creating custom traders and villagers, as well as selling Player Heads of players from your server!
Adds trades defined in config files to Wandering Traders.
In-game GUI config editor
Trade config files are located in the
Code (Text):
folder in your server.
You may create as many trade configs as you like. If you have no configs, an example.yml config file will be created for you.
For more info on what the options are, check out the default config.yml, and the example.yml
Check out the VanillaTweaks-style microblocks.yml trade config
Supports custom player heads, custom item lores, custom item names, enchantments, and custom NBT data.
Supports RGB colors, gradients, and rainbows for trader and item names in 1.16+ using MiniMessage. To see how to format text for all versions refer to this page
Customizable chance for each trade config to be added to Wandering Traders, with option to limit to one config per trader.
Automatically adds trades for player heads of players from your server to Wandering Traders, with customizable head names, lore, amount, and fully customizable prices. Configure in playerheads.yml
Option to remove the original trades of Wandering Traders
Summon custom Wandering Trader or Villager defined in config files through commands.
Command summoned traders can be configured to have custom names above their heads in the trade config.
Command summoned traders can refresh their trades automatically after an amount of time set in config.yml
You can summon Traders that do not move around using the noai summon commads.
If the value 'invincible: true' is in a trade config and a trader is summoned by command using that config, the trader will never despawn or take any damage from anything, except from players with the `wanderingtrades.damage` permission
Language localization support
Includes English (en_US), German (de_DE), Romanian (ro_RO), Russian (ru_RU), and Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) locales by default. Set the language in config.yml.
Any text in menus or commands is translatable
If you can speak another language and want to help translate the plugin make a Pull Request on GitHub or send me a config on Discord.
Commands and Permissions
/wanderingtrades edit
Open the trade config edit GUI menu
/wt editconfig
Edit the config.yml in-game through a GUI menu
/wt editplayerheads
Edit the playerheads.yml in-game through a GUI menu
Requires permission: wanderingtrades.edit
/wanderingtrades reload
Permission required: wanderingtrades.reload
/wanderingtrades list
Permission required: wanderingtrades.list
/wanderingtrades summon
Summons a Wandering Trader using the specified config
wanderingtrades.damage: needed to deal damage to command summoned traders with the invincible option on in their trade config.
Plugin Compatibility
Integration with WorldGuard
In config.yml there is a configurable white/black list of WorldGuard regions to allow refreshing the trades of command spawned traders in.
Supports custom items from any plugin! Simply use the in-game config editing GUI (/wt edit) and set your trades to use custom items, for example Crazy Crates keys!
Link Opt-out of anonymous stats in the global bStats config.
Looking for other Vanilla Tweaks datapack plugins?
Check out
VanillaTweaks by Machine Maker! If you use their "PersistentHeads" Module, Wandering Trades and other plugins Player Heads will preserve their Name and Lore after placing and breaking!