Lightweight Maintenance [Skript] icon

Lightweight Maintenance [Skript] -----

A lightweight Maintenance System that is 99% configurable with PlaceholderAPI Integration

A lightweight Maintenance System that is 99% configurable with PlaceholderAPI Integration.

Commands (Permissions can be configured in the File):
/maintenance | Opens an Gui
/maintenance toggle | Enables or Disables the maintenance

--kickall | Kicks every player that doesn't have the bypass permission (can be used behind the "toggle" Argument)
/maintenance status | Check if the maintenance is enabled or not
/maintenance reload | Reloads the Skript

Dependencies - 4.0.2+:
- Skript [2.9+]:

Optional - If you want to use the PlaceholderAPI-Integration:
- Skript-placeholders [1.7.0+]:
- PlaceholderAPI [2.11.6+]:

1. Install the dependencies
2. Restart the Server
3. Download the File
4. Copy the file into the "scripts" folder
5. Reload the Skript


1. Uncomment the "on placeholderapi placeholder request" event by removing every # in front of each line
2. Install the Optional Dependencies
3. Restart the Server
4. You can check the status of the maintenance with the PlaceholderAPI-Placeholder "maintenance_status"

It should look like that:



- SpigotMC DM
- My Discord (#skript-support Channel)

Please report bugs or ask questions over the support options above!

Colorcodes for Updates:

[ !] = Something was added
[ !] = Something was edited
[ !] = Something was deleted
[ !] = The Skript was recoded
[ !] = A Bug/Error was fixed
[!] = A Notice

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,711
First Release: May 15, 2020
Last Update: Aug 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings