A lightweight Maintenance System that is 99% configurable with PlaceholderAPI Integration.
Commands(Permissions can be configured in the File): /maintenance | Opens an Gui /maintenance toggle | Enables or Disables the maintenance
--kickall | Kicks every player that doesn't have the bypass permission (can be used behind the "toggle" Argument)
/maintenance status | Check if the maintenance is enabled or not /maintenance reload | Reloads the Skript
Installation: 1. Install the dependencies 2. Restart the Server 3. Download the File 4. Copy the file into the "scripts" folder 5. Reload the Skript PlaceholderAPI-Support: 1. Uncomment the "on placeholderapi placeholder request" event by removing every # in front of each line 2. Install the Optional Dependencies 3. Restart the Server 4. You can check the status of the maintenance with the PlaceholderAPI-Placeholder "maintenance_status" It should look like that: Support: -
SpigotMC DM -
My Discord (#skript-support Channel)
Please report bugs or ask questions over the support options above!
Legacy: Colorcodes for Updates:
!] = Something was added
!] = Something was edited
!] = Something was deleted
!] = The Skript was recoded
!] = A Bug/Error was fixed
[!] = A Notice