JukeboxMusicPlayer  | Play music disc's without a jukebox icon

JukeboxMusicPlayer | Play music disc's without a jukebox -----

Play music disc's with commands or gui's

This is a JukeBox, Music & Sound Plugin!
JMP is a highly customizable Plugin which allows you to play your favorite Songs in Minecraft without use of Note Blocks & jukeboxes.


Supports Bukkit, Spigot & Paper-Servers from 1.18.x to 1.21.x!

You don't need any API or other Plugin to get JMP to work on your server!


/play <MUSIC_DISC>
- Plays the the given MUSIC_DISC

/jukeboxmenu - Opens a GUI with the given music discs

/playhand <toall>/<player> - Play the MUSIC_DISC in main hand

/stopmusic <toall>/<player> - Stops all the music in a range of 1 block away

/testjmp - Gives the plugin response and details


Music Disc's:


Todo list:

- Ability to trigger events to play music config file
- Ability to disable using original music discs


- Play music disc by command
- Play music disc to other players or to all players
- Play music disc from console to players
- Open GUI with the given music discs
- Customizeable block to use the Jukebox Menu
- Play music disc by holding in main hand
- Stop nearby music
- Play sound on join
- Play music disc on join



You can reach me with discord easly! Roquex#8493. If you like my Plugins please support me by leaving a good Review! Thank you!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 491
First Release: May 4, 2020
Last Update: Oct 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings