InteractiveBoard icon

InteractiveBoard -----

Touchscreen display in Minecraft [1.8 - 1.21.4]


InteractiveBoard is a unique and innovative solution for true contextual graphical user interfaces in Minecraft. Anything from touchscreen shops to teaching players your server mechanics with videos is possible. The limit is your imagination.

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InteractiveBoard has an always expanding list of features.
  • Contextual rendering - every player sees a different image specifically made for them at that moment.
  • Scenes - you can have multiple scenes in a single board, so a single board can have a large assortment of uses.
  • 3D Player Skin rendering - you can render the skin of the player on the board and position the arms/head/legs of the skin in any position you want.
  • Buttons - clickable buttons with sub-pixel precision that can execute a variety of functions like opening a crafting table, switching a scene, scrolling, buying and selling items, etc.
  • PlaceholderAPI support - you can use all the placeholders from PlaceholderAPI in object/function properties. All properties (text, color, image URL, etc.) can update automatically when the placeholder changes.
  • Hover support - hovering is supported for all object properties, so you can easily change the image, outline, skin position or anything else when hovered.
  • Shops - Vault API is supported, so you can create shops with the board.
  • Completely packet based - Unlike other map image plugins, InteractiveBoard does not create any maps or item frames in your actual world. Maps and item frames in are completely virtual and sent through asynchronous packets. This guarantees optimal performance and great compatibility with other plugins that use maps.
  • Fast and optimized rendering - all aspects of the plugin have been tweaked to ensure optimal performance. Using custom smart caching and packet systems, InteractiveBoard is extremely fast and very light, only updating boards when necessary.
  • Images - you can upload any image you want to the board. Supported formats: .jpg and .png
  • Animated GIFS - the plugin can display animated GIFS on any board you want. This can be used to teach players new mechanics which could only be shown easily with a video playing.
  • View grouping - you can manage the default scene players see based on various conditions, like the permissions/ranks they have. Both group and individual views are supported, so it is possible to share the same view between players if needed (for example having 2 groups for red/blue team)
  • Scrollpanes - you can use scrollpanes to let the player scroll in case all the things you want to show don't fit in your scene.
  • ViaVersion, ViaBackwards, ViaRewind support - InteractiveBoard supports all client versions from 1.8 to 1.21.4 and their features through Via plugins, no matter what server version you use.
  • Geyser support - Geyser/floodgate is completely supported and Bedrock players do not have any issues interacting with the boards.
  • Folia support - InteractiveBoard supports Folia, so it is a perfect choice for servers with hundreds of players.
  • Music Support - InteractiveBoard has NoteBlockAPI support which allows you to play any .nbs song you want on a board.
  • Virtual reality support - through the Vive Spigot Extensions plugin, players that connect using ViveCraft are supported. Virtual reality players can interact with boards using their controllers instead of head rotation.


Command Description
/ib create Create a new board.
/ib delete Delete a board.
/ib reload Reload all board configurations.
/ib reset Reload a specific board.
/ib teleport <display> Teleport to a board.
<display > - The name of the display to teleport to.​
/ib cancel Cancel the currently active process.
/ib trigger <display> <player> <identifier> Trigger an action listener.
<display > - The name of the display to trigger the action on.​
<player > - The player to trigger the action on.​
<identifier > - The unique action identifier, as specified in the action listener.​
/ib fonts Get names of fonts loaded from the font folder.
/ib name Get name of a board.
/ib coordinates Get x and y coordinates of a pixel.

Need help or have questions?

InteractiveBoard uses a modified part of the BKCommonLib library that is licensed under the MIT license.

InteractiveBoard uses a modified version of XMaterial library that is licensed under the MIT license. The class file which includes the license can be found here

3D rendering system found in InteractiveBoard has been based on
OLC-3 license of this code can be found on the linked GitHub page.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,315
First Release: Apr 12, 2020
Last Update: Feb 13, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
47 ratings
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