RPGHorses | GUI Based ⭐ Fully Customizable ✏️ [1.8.8 - 1.21.3] ✅ icon

RPGHorses | GUI Based ⭐ Fully Customizable ✏️ [1.8.8 - 1.21.3] ✅ -----

Introduces an RPG side to your horses


Test Server - rory.vultam.host - Thanks to Vultam for hosting (for free <3)

Support - https://discord.gg/ktDpUnX

NEW - MySQL Support - Synchronize horses and horse market across servers!

NEW - Players can now claim wild/tamed vanilla horses as rpghorses!


Horses will level up over time and become faster and stronger! You can use vault to customize the cost of upgrading your horse.

/horses - rpghorses.stable (default)
/horses help - rpghorses.help (default)
/horses claim - rpghorses.claim (default)
/horses market - rpghorses.market (default)
/horses sell <horse-number> <price> - rpghorses.sell (default)
/horses buy <horse-crate> <price> - rpghorses.buy
/rpghorses trail <particle> - rpghorses.trail
/horsesadmin give <horse-crate> <player> - rpghorses.give
/horsesadmin give <health> <movement-speed> <jump-strength> <type> [color] [style] <player> - rpghorses.give

/horsesadmin remove <horse-number> <player> - rpghorses.remove
/rpghorsesadmin upgrade <horse-number> <player> - rpghorses.upgrade
/rpghorsesadmin listall - rpghorses.listall
/rpghorsesadmin check <radius> - rpghorses.check
/rpghorsesadmin removenear <radius> - rpghorses.removenear
/rpghorsesadmin reload - rpghorses.reload

In addition to the above permissions:

rpghorses.trail.* - access to all trails
rpghorses.trail.<trail> - access to a specific trail
rpghorses.limit.* - unlimited horse limit
rpghorses.limit.x - player can own up to x horses



By purchasing this resource you agree that:
1. You may not distribute or sell this resource to anyone else
2. All purchases are final, refunds will not be given in any case

If you need any help with configuration, as it can be confusing, send me a message on discord.

Do not use the review section to report bugs, make a post on GitHub, my notifications are on and I will see it and respond within 24 hours in most cases.

You can click the cat below to visit the GitHub repository

Graphics by @Ironys
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 372
First Release: Apr 7, 2020
Last Update: Nov 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
22 ratings
Find more info at discord.gg...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings