CombatLog Custom Player Knockback Tool Flag Hider Custom Attack Speed Damage Modifiers Disable Sweep Attacks Health Bars Custom Player Regeneration Fishing Rod Knockback Custom Player Health PlaceholderAPI Support Golden Apple Cooldowns Ender Pearl Cooldowns Disable Bow Boosting Old Sharpness Damage Easy to use GUI Anti Cheat Friendly Reload Friendly Every Tiny Bit Is Configurable !
- /CombatPlus Reload (Reloads the Plugin) - /CombatPlus Menu (Open up the Combat Plus GUI)
- cp.admin (Gives Access to All the Admin Commands) - cp.bypass.* (Bypass Everything) - cp.bypass.gapple (Bypass The Golden Apple Cooldowns) - cp.bypass.epearl (Bypass the Ender Pearl Cooldowns) - cp.bypass.items (Bypass the Disabled Items Crafting) - cp.bypass.offhand (Bypass the Disabled Offhand Option) - cp.bypass.bowboost (Bypass the Disabled Self Boost Option) - cp.bypass.combatlog (Bypass the CombatLog) - cp.debug (Receive Debug Messages if Developer Mode is Enabled)
PlaceholderAPI Placeholders
%combatplus_goldenapple% (Shows the player's Golden Apple Cooldown Time Left)
%combatplus_enchantedgoldenapple% (Shows the player's Enchanted Golden Apple Cooldown Time Left)
%combatplus_enderpearl% (Shows the player's Enderpearl Cooldown Time Left)
%combatplus_combatlog% (Shows the player's CombatLog Cooldown)
CombatPlus is designed to work On Top of an Anti-Cheat, It should Support all of them without any issues.
If you find any bugs or if something doesn't work, please report it on GitHub. The review section is for reviews only and support Wont be given here. Before asking for help, always check whether you have the most recent version installed!
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