Code (Text):
Version: 1.4
'[WeatherVote]': '&f[&9Weather&bVote&f] '
'1': '&9'
'2': '&b'
'1': You have to be a player, to use this command.
'2': You do not have the permission for this command.
'3': '&b&l[PLAYER]&9 started a new voting for &b&l[WEATHER]&9 weather, vote with
&b&l/wv yes&9 or &b&l/wv no&9.'
'4': The voting is disabled in this world.
'5': There is already a voting in this world.
'6': There isn't a voting in this world.
'7': You have already voted.
'8': You have voted for &b&lYes&9.
'9': You have voted for &b&lNo&9.
'10': The plugin is reloading...
'11': Reloading completed.
'12': The voting is over, the weather has been changed.
'13': The voting is over, the weather hasn't been changed.
'14': The voting for &b&l[WEATHER]&9 weather is over in &b&l[SECONDS]&9 seconds.
'15': You have to wait &b&l[SECONDS]&9 more second(s), until you can start a new
'16': There is a new update available for this plugin. &b(
'17': All players have voted.
'18': You need &b&l[MONEY]$&9 more to start a voting.
'19': You payed &b&l[MONEY]$&9 to start a voting.
'20': You opend the voting-inventory.
'21': Your Voting-Inventory has been closed.
'22': Try [COMMAND]
'23': You changed the weather to &b[WEATHER]&9.
'24': The voting has stopped.
'25': You stopped the voting.
'1': Sunny
'2': Rainy
'3': 'Yes'
'4': 'No'
'1': 'Stats since: '
'2': 'Money spent: '
'3': 'Total sunny votes: '
'8': 'Total rainy votes: '
'4': ' Yes votes: '
'5': ' No votes: '
'6': ' Won: '
'7': ' Lost: '
'1': '&b[&9Click to use this command&b]'
'2': '&b[&9Next page&b]'
'3': '&b[&9Last page&b]'
'4': '&7&oPage [PAGE]. &7Click on the arrows for the next page.'
'1': This command shows you the help page.
'2': This command shows you the info page.
'3': This command shows you the stats page.
'4': This command opens the Voting-Inventory.
'5': This command allows you to start a sun voting.
'6': This command allows you to start a rain voting.
'7': This command allows you to vote for yes or no.
'8': ''' '''
'9': This command is reloading the Config.yml and Messages.yml file.
'10': This command stopps a voting.
'1': '&f[&9&lW&bV&f] &bSunny&f/&bRainy'
'2': '&f[&9&lW&bV&f] &b[WEATHER]&9 Weather'
BossBarMessage: '&f[&9&lW&b&lV&f] &9Voting for &b&l[WEATHER]&9 weather (&b&l/wv yes&9
or &b&l/wv no&9)'
'1': '&f[&9&lW&b&lV&f] &b&l[WEATHER]&9 time voting.'
'2': '&f[&9&lW&b&lV&f] &b&l[SECONDS]&9 seconds left.'
'3': '&f[&9&lW&b&lV&f] &9The weather has been changed.'
'4': '&f[&9&lW&b&lV&f] &9The weather hasn''t been changed.'
SubTitle: '&9(&b/wv yes&9 or &b/wv no&9)'
'1': '["",{"text":"[PLAYER]","color":"aqua","bold":true},{"text":" started a new
voting for ","color":"blue"},{"text":"[WEATHER]","color":"aqua","bold":true},{"text":"
weather, vote with ","color":"blue"},{"text":"/wv yes","color":"aqua","bold":true,"clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/wv
yes","color":"aqua"}]}}},{"text":" or ","color":"blue"},{"text":"/wv no","color":"aqua","bold":true,"clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/wv