player-unfrozen: - "&2You have &cunfrozen &b
" - "&2He can now move &cfreely!
target-frozen: - "&2You have been &cfrozen by &b
" - "&2Reason
: {reason
}" - "&2You can't move &canymore!
target-unfrozen: - "&2You have been &cunfrozen by &b
" - "&2You can now move &cfreely!
target-freeze-info: - "&2&m=====&r &dZe&bFreeze &c- &d&lInfo &2&m=====&r
" - "&6Freezer &c» &b
}" - "&6Reason &c» &2
}" - "&6Location &c» &2X
: &e{loc_x}&2, Y
: &e{loc_y}&2, Z
: &e{loc_z}" -
"&2&m=====&r &dZe&bFreeze &c- &d&lInfo &2&m=====&r" plugin-reload: -
"&2Plugin reloaded!" unfreeze-disconnect: -
"&b{player} &2has been unfrozen because he left the server." staff-disconnect-alert: -
"&b{player} &chas left the server while being frozen!" help-page: -
"&2&m=====&r &dZe&bFreeze &c- &d&lInfo &2&m=====&r" -
"&d/zefreeze &c» &2Show the help page" -
"&d/zefreeze &b<player> &c» &2Freeze a player in place" -
"&d/zefreeze control &b<player> &c» &2Teleport a frozen player to the control point" -
"&d/zefreeze control set &c» &2Set the control point location" -
"&d/zefreeze info &b<player> &c» &2Info about why a player is frozen" -
"&d/zefreeze &bhelp &c» &2Show the help page" -
"&d/zefreeze &breload &c» &2Reload the plugin" -
" " -
"&d/zeunfreeze &b<player> &c» &2Unfreeze a frozen player" -
"&2&m=====&r &dZe&bFreeze &c- &d&lInfo &2&m=====&r" errors:
self-freeze: -
"&cYou can't freeze yourself!" close-anti-disconnection-gui: -
"&cYou can't close thi GUI because you are frozen!" player-not-played-before: -
"&b{player} &chas never played on this server before! You can't freeze him!" player-already-frozen: -
"&b{player} &cis already frozen!" player-not-frozen: -
"&b{player} &cis not frozen!" damaged-a-frozen-player: -
"&cThis player is frozen, you can't damage him!" damage-while-frozen: -
"&cYou can't damage an entity while being frozen!" place-while-frozen: -
"&cYou can't place blocks while frozen!" break-while-frozen: -
"&cYou can't break block while frozen!" move-while-frozen: -
"&cSorry, but you can't move because you have been &4FROZEN &cby &b{freezer}!" -
"&cIf you think that's a mistake, feel free to contact a staff member!" not-enough-permissions: -
"&cSorry, but you don't have enough permissions to do that!" invalid-sound: -
"The sound {sound} doesn't exist! Please change it in the config file!" control-location-not-set: -
"&cYou haven't set any control location yet!" blocked-command: -
"&cSince &b{freezer} &chas frozen you for &2{reason}&c, you can't use &d{command}&c!" player-only: -
"&cYou need to be a player to perform that action!"
Code (YAML):
# Allow the console to make a command when a player leave the server while he is frozen disconnect-action:
enabled: true
commands: -
"money set {player} 0" -
"ban {player} {reason}"
# Block the player from making commands when he is frozen block-commands:
enabled: true
whitelist: []
# Unfreeze the player if he disconnect while being frozen unfreeze-on-disconnect: true
# Enable the toggle function so when you type /freeze or /unfreeze it can freeze and unfreeze the player freeze-toggle: true
# Block the Y axe of movement while frozen avoiding players to jump or flying up and down block-y-axis: true
# Set the freeze message cooldown in seconds to not spam the player chat while the player moves freeze-message-cooldown: 5
# You can find all the available sound here # Sound played when the target is freezed freeze-sound: ENTITY_GHAST_SCREAM
# Sound played when the target is unfreezed unfreeze-sound: ENTITY_PIG_DEATH
# Disable the interaction of a frozen player disable-interaction: true
# Disable the damages of a frozen player disable-damages: true
# Disable the possibility to place blocks from a frozen player disable-block-place: true
# Disable the possibility to break block from a frozen player disable-block-break: true
enabled: true
size: 27
title: "&c&lYou are frozen!" background:
enabled: true
material: BARRIER
name: "&c&lYou are frozen!" lore: [] model: 0
enabled: true
name: "&c&lYou are frozen!" lore: [] model: 0
slot: 11
name: "&c&lYou are frozen!" lore: [] model: 0
slot: 15
name: "&c&lYou are frozen!" lore: [] model: 0
zefreeze.freeze (/zefreeze <player/@a/all>)
zefreeze.unfreeze (/zeunfreeze <player/@a/all>) (/zefreeze info <player>)
zefreeze.control.set (/zefreeze control set)
zefreeze.control (/zefreeze control <player>)
zefreeze.reload (/zefreeze reload)
Servers using this plugin (if you want your server listed here, feel free to ask for it)
Code (Text):
• Add a multiple command action support (Added - 0.0.2)
• Add toggle option for the command "/freeze" (Added - 0.0.3)
• Add an independent "/unfreeze" command (Added - 0.0.3)
• Add an option to block the Y axis while frozen (Added - 0.1.1)
• Add an option to set the freeze message cooldown (Added - 0.1.1)
• Add a "/freeze info" command to know the reason of the player's freeze (Added - 0.1.2)
• Add a location to teleport both the player and the staff member to a specific spot for control (0.2.0)
• Add No PvP and No Block Break on freeze (0.3.0)
• Tab completion support for the commands (1.0.0)
• Block commands while frozen with a possible whitelist (1.1.0)
• Add an anti-disconnection gui and an item saying what the player has to do (1.2.0)