Finally you can catch mobs in Minecraft!
Did you found a village with a lot of villagers but you must to travel long distances to come home? Good! You can now catch them with
Lightweight on server CPU
✅ Supports
EVERY single entity of Minecraft that can take damage (no minecarts and similar..)
✅ Saves
EVERY attribute, you won't lose any of your mob attributes when you catch it
✅ Customize your balls with
player head textures ✅ Specify which mobs a ball can catch
✅ Customize sounds and particles of your ball
✅ Custom recipes
✅ Shop to buy balls
✅ Catch success and max usages
Compatible with most
protection plugins (you can't steal other players pets)
- GriefPrevention -
WorldGuard -
and others..
Important Remember to activate these settings in config.yml to allow your players to buy and craft balls: (and enable also each recipe and buy in balls.yml)
Code (Text):
enabled: false
enabled: false
Remember also to add your worlds in the list:
Code (Text):
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
1) Do not decompile the plugin.
2) Do not sell the plugin.
Do not crack it or redistribute without my permission. 4) You may only use the plugin on a server that which you are an owner of.
5) If you have problems contact me via PM, do not spam your one star reviews, I can fix bugs only if you directly contact me.
For support requests just
contact me 6)
No refunds.
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