TimeControl allows you to control the length of day and night separately for all your worlds (individually). It also has features like customizing how much players have to sleep in order to skip night/thunder. See the Features section for more information.
Features: - Simple basic setup
- Customize computing power
- Full support for multiple worlds (different values for each world possible)
- Change length of day and night separately
- Customize start and end of a normal Minecraft day to choose at which light level it is daytime for you.
- Customize how much players have to sleep in order to skip night or storm.
- Set various different players as sleeping-ignored by gamemode, permission or essentials-AFK
- Stop time for empty worlds (optional).
- Customize messages sent to players.
- Exclude worlds entirely by name or environment (nether, the_end)
- Mess-Up Protection for all configurations and data-files (no java-errors)
- Commands for inGame Configuration
- Reload Command
- Info-messages in console
- Save-Enable: Customize all worlds you want to enable before the plugin kicks really into action
Wiki on GitHub for easy accessibility of all features
Important Information: -
Detailed information can be found in the TimeControl Wiki on GitHub.
- Gamerule doDaylightCycle will be set to false for all affected worlds (you get the chance to configure those beforehand). Once set to false do not re-enable it manually! In addition for MC1.17+ playersSleepingPercentage will be set to 101. Do not change.
- In order to disable the action bar message 'No amount of rest can pass this night' you will need to install
ProtocolLib. (only relevant for MC1.17 and onwards)
- essentials-AFK uses EssentialsX which can be downloaded here:
https://github.com/EssentialsX/Essentials/releases - Java 17 or higher is required to run the plugin since v4.8.0.
- Java 11 or higher is required to run the plugin since v4.1.1.
- This plugin uses bstats.
Installation: Just put the jar file into your server's plugins folder and start your server. You will get asked to configure the plugin's configuration file. If you did, make sure to set "configured" to true and restart your server.
# TimeControl by Alex_qp # By using this plugin you can control the daycycle of minecraft.
# Set this to true if you are finished with configuration. Then restart your server. # Note: After restarting the plugin will proceed to disable gamerule doDaylightCycle of all worlds which where not disabled down below. configured: false
# Set the delay between to time updates in ticks. check-delay: 5
# Set to false if time in empty worlds should proceed. deactivate_empty_worlds: true
# If no other values are set correctly in the worldConfiguration.yml for a enabled world these values will be applied for this world. # For 99% of people the minecraft-... options are completely irrelevant. If you want to in- or decrease day or night, just edit day-length and night-length. # For more information please visit the plugin's wiki at https://github.com/Alex39099/TimeControl/wiki default_world_settings:
minecraft-day-start-tick: 0
minecraft-day-length: 12000
day-length: 24000
night-length: 7000
needed-sleep-percentage: 0.5
sleeping-night-time-mulitplier: 20
sleeping-storm-time-mulitplier: 60
# Disable certain worlds by name or environment. world_exceptions:
by_name: # - world # - world_nether # - world_the_end by_environment:
normal: false
nether: true
the_end: true
custom: true
# Set to true if you want players in the specific gamemode to be counted as sleeping. gamemode_sleeping:
adventure: false
creative: true
spectator: true
survival: false
# If set to true and Essentials flags a player as afk he will count as sleeping. You obviously have to install Essentials aka. EssentialsX in order for this to work. https://github.com/EssentialsX/Essentials/releases essentials:
afk_is_sleeping: false
cmd: # This is the prefix of all command message outputs. An empty string will result in the default prefix. prefix: "" credits: "Use /timecontrol help for all available commands." help_header: "List of all available commands:" noPerm: "&4You do not have permission." wrongCmdUsagePrefix: "&CUsage:"
# Messages regarding the sleeping mechanics. # Available placeholders: ## %sleep_needed% - Amount of needed sleeping players. (not available for sleeping.actionBar.msg.success) ## %sleep_sleeping% - Amount of actual sleeping players. (not sleeping ignored in any way) (not available for sleeping.actionBar.msg.success) ## %player% - the player's displayed name. (only available in sleeping.chat.msg) sleeping:
enable: true
success: "&eSweet dreams everyone!" progress: "&e%sleep_sleeping% of %sleep_needed% players are sleeping." chat:
enable: true
enterBed: "%player% is now sleeping. (%sleep_sleeping%/%sleep_needed%)" leaveBed: "%player% left bed. (%sleep_sleeping%/%sleep_needed%)"
Bug Report and Suggestions: - Please report bugs in the
discussion section!
- Feel free to leave suggestions for future updates!
Some last words:
Why is this plugin premium? I developed TimeControl since Jun 2018 and was more ore less constantly giving support to all who where using the plugin. Even tho the usage & downloads of the plugin went up I more and more disliked the fact that nearly no one (only 3 through multiple versions!) had the courage to appreciate my work by leaving just one little review.
Because it got more and more frustrating I decided to keep me motivated by making this plugin premium. The older versions will still be available but there will be no further development including bugfixes or support. Older versions can be downloaded
To show my appreciation for all those who also appreciated my work I have added all of them manually as buyer in order for them to keep using updated versions of this plugin.
Please let me make it clear that I do not want to discuss this topic. It was and is my decision.
Changelog v3.2.0:
#Added: option sleeping-time-multiplier (sleeptimemultiplier) to set how fast time should go forward while enough players are sleeping (default: 20).
#Added: permission
(default: op)
#Added: players with specific gamemodes can now be ignored for sleeping. (default: spectator, creative)
#Added: soft-depend essentials: afk players can now be ignored. (default: false)
#Changed: default value of needed-sleep-percentage to 0.5
#Changed: shared Commons code updated to v1.4.0
#Fixed: values were not saved after restart.
#Fixed: NPE if plugin was not yet configured.
#Fixed: needed-sleep-percentage was not working correctly.
#Fixed: time updates could throw exceptions in extreme cases.
#Fixed: data was also saved for disabled worlds if plugin got disabled.
#Fixed: a header-line in debug command was not orange.
#Fixed: default color of set-success message was supposed to be green.
IMPORTANT: This update needs a slight addition to the current config. So please add the following code as said to the config file file OR just move the file out of the plugin's folder in order to get recreated. You can also compare it with the config shown on the main plugin page.
Code (YAML):
# Set to true if you want players in the specific gamemode to be counted as sleeping. gamemode_sleeping:
adventure: false
creative: true
spectator: true
survival: false
# If set to true and Essentials flags a player as afk he will count as sleeping. You obviously have to install Essentials in order for this to work. essentials:
afk_is_sleeping: false