Description PrefiX is an easy and clean plugin to support in editing the Prefixes and Suffixes on your server.
Players can adapt their Prefix and/or Suffix based on their given permissions. Easy to configure and even easier to use!
PrefiX is build against LuckPerms.
For quick support ask your questions in our
Discord server!
Uses only LuckPerms for handling and saving
Colors of the prefix, name, bracket and suffix are separated
Pre-defined Templates
Blacklist specific words
Whitelist character groups and custom characters
Fully customizable colors and formatting
Different permission for each color
Formatting toggles
All colors available
All formatting available
Hexadecimal support
Hexadecimal names support
Custom hexadecimal format
Gradient support
Moderating for staff
You can change others prefix/colors/suffix
Configurable characters before and after the prefix
Auto-checker for new updates
List with all available colors for the player
Interactive color list
Suffix support
BungeeCord support
Define your own custom messages (Or other languages)
Ability to respect context from LuckPerms
Support for spaces in the Prefix/Suffix by adding ""
Placeholder support via PAPI
DeluxeMenus support
Prefix has
DeluxeMenus support, this means that it's possible to let players choose from a Deluxe Menu a presetted prefix. This will ensure you as admin that only predefined prefixes are chosen. For more information about DeluxeMenus support visit out
Discord Server.
Option to see all colors available:
Clickable overview of available colors:
/prefix - Main command
/prefix help - Displays the help menu
/prefix reload - Reloads the config
/prefix version - Display plugin information
/prefix list - Displays avaible colors and formatting
*/prefix reset - Reset your prefix to default
*/prefix <prefix> - Change your prefix
*/prefix color <color> - Change your prefixcolor
*/prefix name <color> - Change your namecolor
*/prefix bracket <color> - Change your bracketcolor (If enabled)
/suffix list - Displays avaible colors and formatting
*/suffix reset - Reset your suffix to default
*/suffix <suffix> - Change your suffix
*/suffix color <color> - Change your suffixcolor
/prefix template list - Displays all available templates for the player
*/prefix template reset - Reset the template to default
*/prefix template <template> - Change your prefix to the defined template
If you have the permission
prefix.other. You can enter behind the commands marked with * the playername of someone else to excecute this command on them.
Permissions & Files Permissions, configs and other files can be found in the '
Documentation' tab at the top of this page. (
Statics This Plugin uses bStats! This submits anonymous stats about your server (player count, plugin/server version, etc.) to the public statistic website which will provide developers with usage statistics of this plugin. If you don't want this feature and wish to opt-out, you can add
'bstats: false' to the config.
It would mean a lot to me though if you could leave it enabled, its part of what keeps me motivated
Setup Spigot/Paper/Folia & BungeeCord This plugin is just download and drop in your plugins folder.
Please be aware it requires
LuckPerms v5 to work.
You can use spaces by wrapping the prefix in quotation marks:
/prefix "New Prefix"
Trusted by many people PrefiX in stable, easy to use and simple to setup. Therefore it's used and trusted in many servers with great success.
Want to display custom prefixes... your chat? You need a chat formatting plugin. (ex. LPC/EssXchat/etc) the tab list? You need a tab plugin. (ex. TAB) ...somewhere else? You need a specific plugin for that.
Looking for support? Visit our
Discord server for quick support for all your questions!