- Buy plugin
- Add BCRanks to plugins folder
- Start server, stop server.
- Configurate Tier.yml
- Start server
- /bcranks(Alias:/bcr)
- bcr open (timed/tiers/<tier name>) - Opens corresponding gui.
- bcr add (player) (tier) (rank) - Adds tier + rank to player
- bcr version - Shows the current version
- bcr reload - Reloads the configurations.
- bcranks.tiers.<tier name> - Opens <tier name> gui
- bcranks.add - Used to add a tier + rank to a player
- bcranks.convert(old) - Converts settings.yml to tiers.yml
- bcranks.reload - To reload the configurations
- bcranks.open - Open gui's
- bcranks.setitem - set gui item section
Code (Text):
# #######################
# Developer: Scorpion|Neo
# Wiki: https://git.spaceio.xyz/Scorpion/BCRanks/wiki/BCRanks
# Part of Spaceio
# Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/rH6HRGw
# #######################
# true: Use rank system with requirements.
# Default: true
custom-ranks: true
# Inventory size Custom ranks.
# Default 27
custom-size: 3
# The name for the Custom Ranks Gui(Dependency ranks).
custom-gui-name: '&4BCRanks'
# Should we display '=====<statistic>====?'
custom-title-section: false
# true: Enables timed rank system.
# Requires server restart.
# Default: false
use-timed-ranks: false
# Inventory size Timed ranks.
# Default 27
timed-size: 3
# Amount in seconds for each timed rank check.
# Default: 300(5 minutes)
time-check-in-seconds: 300
# The name for Timed Ranks Gui
timed-gui-name: Timed Gui
# This is an experiment! Enable at own risk!
use-Tiers: false
# Title for the tier gui
tier-Title: '&3Tier Gui'
# Size of the tier gui(1=9 slots 9 = double chest)
tier-size: 3
# Title for the Tiered Ranks Gui
rank-title: '&3BCRanks Gui'
# Size of the rank gui in rows(1=9 slots 9 = double chest)
rank-size: 3
# true: hides all tasks completed.
# false: keeps everything intact.
# Default: true
hide-completed: true
# Hide completed tasks.
# Default: false
hide-complete-single: false
# Hide Ranks players cannot access yet.
# Does not hide ranks players already own!
# Doesnt work with Tiers
# Default: false
hide-no-buy: false
# Format used to display time
# Days
time-days: 'Days '
# Hours
time-hours: 'Hours '
# Minutes
time-minutes: 'm '
# Seconds
time-seconds: s
# Should we enable player Statistics?
playerstatistics: true
# Should we enable player Options? i.e: food hunger etc
player: true
# Should advancements be enabled?
useAdvacements: true
# The Connect Gui is used when both custom & timed ranks are enabled.
connect-gui-name: Connect Gui
# Should we check and announce updates to those with permission?
update-notify: true[/COLOR]
By purchasing this resource, you're granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to install and use the resource on servers owned and controlled by you, You agree to not: decompile, reverse engineer, disasseble the plugin. Removing, modyfing or altering the contents of this resource in any way removes support entirely from me or staff supporting the resource. You also agree that this resource comes as is. You agree to uphold spigot and the resources TOS, chargebacks are not allowed and any attemps at these are a bannable offense.
This plugin is an indirect yet supported project by SpaceIO(Safarinet, Dropedit1-2 etc). For info on other spaceio related projects feel free to join our discord at the top of the page.