BigInv allows you to give your players an extra inventory which they can open by clicking the result slot of their crafting inventory (the inventory you open by pressing "E").
Features: - Give your players a bigger inventory.
- Customize all messages sent to a player.
- Backup gets created if the player loses the ability to hold all items within his BigInv.
- Restore Backups by command.
- Change other players' biginvs.
- Supports TabCompletion
Important Information: - If the size of a player's BigInv changes (i. e. permissions get changed) he must rejoin the server first.
- If a player will keep his inventory on his death (i. e. set by other plugins) the items in his BigInv will also not drop regardless of the set permissions.
- Java 17 or higher is required to run the plugin since v1.11.1.
- Java 11 or higher is required to run the plugin since v1.5.0.
- This plugin uses bstats.
Installation: Just put the jar file into your server's plugins folder and start your server. If there are any problems you will be informed in console.
Commands: -
/biginv: credits
/biginv help: Shows all for that player available commands.
/biginv see [player]: Opens a player's biginv. If no player is specified, this will open your own biginv.
/biginv backup [player] [target]: Restores a player's backed up biginv into the target's player inventory. If no player or target is specified, this will replace it with yourself.
Permissions: -
biginv.*: Grants all permissions. (default: op)
biginv.see: Gives access to mechanic/command to open any biginv.
biginv.see.other: Gives access to mechanic/command to see other players' biginvs.
biginv.change: Allows to change any biginv.
biginv.change.other: Allows to change other players' biginvs.
biginv.backup: Allows to restore any backuped biginv.
biginv.backup.other: Allows to restore other players' biginvs.
biginv.backup.login: Forces a backup to be restored into the BigInv on login.
biginv.size.*: Grants a biginv size of 6 rows.
biginv.size.[1-6]: Grants a biginv size of 1-6 rows.
biginv.keepinventory: Stops items from dropping on death.
biginv.updatechecker: Get notified on login if a new update exists.
Configuration File:
Code (YAML):
# BigInv by Alex_qp # This plugin allows players to have bigger inventories. # Please leave a review after a while to help me improve my plugins!
# To open your bigger inventory without the command, click the result slot in your player-inventory while not crafting.
# Set to true if BigInvs should get saved if closed. This prevents data loss if the server crashes. # Please note: this has no effect if the server shuts down as usual. save_on_inventory_close: true
# Set the title of a BigInv inventory. Use %player% for the player's name. inventory_title: "BigInv (%player%)"
# All messages support common Bukkit color codes. messages: # Set the command's main prefix. Use "default" for the default command prefix. cmd_prefix: "default" backup_needed_login: "&4Your old BigInv was to big to fit all items in the new one. Use /biginv backup to restore all left items in your player inventory." credits:
credit: "Use /biginv help for all available commands." mechanic_explanation: "To access your bigger inventory, click on your crafting result while not crafting." help:
header: "List of all available commands:" see: "Opens a player's bigger inventory." backup: "Restores a backup into the target's inventory." no_permission: "&4You do not have permission" wrongCmdUsage:
prefix: "&CUsage:" no_player: "&CThere is no player with this name online." seeCmd:
no_data: "&6There is no biginv available." backupCmd:
success: "&2Backup restoring was successful." partial_success: "&6Added items to inventory, but there are still items left in the backup." no_data: "&6There is no backup available." logoutClose: "&6BigInv has been closed because the owner left the server."
Bug Report and Suggestions: - Please report bugs in the
discussion section!
- Feel free to leave suggestions for future updates!