ajAntiXray icon

ajAntiXray -----

Get a notification about possible xrayers!

This plugin will detect if players are mining more ores than usual and notify admins. (or anyone with the permission) You can also check how many ores a player has mined recently.

Have a custom ore generator or your server? No problem! You can adjust the ore list and the notify numbers in the config.


+ Optional Factions integration
+ All messages are configurable in messages.yml
+ Discord Webhooks support
+ Configurable "blocks in last x minutes"
+ Works on versions 1.8.8-1.21.x
+ Customizable notify count
+ Add more blocks than just ores
+ Command to check how many ores a player has recently mined
+ Can be disabled for certain worlds
+ Can play a sound to staff when they get the notification
+ Full MiniMessage support
+ Option to count deepslate and normal ores together​

/ajAntiXray <player> - Check how many ores a player has mined recently. (permission: ajaxr.check)
/ajAntiXray reload - Reloads the config and messages.yml. (permission: ajaxr.reload)
ajaxr.notify - The permission required to recieve xray notifications

Use code AJG0702 to get 50% off! (new clients only)

If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact me at any of the following places:
Spigot PM

This plugin collects anonymous usage information via bStats. It can be disabled in bStats' config file.

It is much easier (and usually faster) to contact me for support in one of the above areas. Discord is the fastest way to get support because I get instant mobile notifications.

Some icons made by authors from www.flaticon.com
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 71,009
First Release: Jun 17, 2019
Last Update: Aug 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings