- "BPS Premium" for SpigotMC provides server administrators with customizable control over in-game commands and can help maintain a fair and secure gaming environment by blocking unwanted commands and providing informative custom messages to players.
Bungee Cord:
- /bps help #Resource information.
- /bps reload #reload resource configuration.
- /bps reload <configuration> #reload resource configurations.
- /bps manager #Open the plugin's gui.
- /bps player <player> #Get the player information in real time.
- /bps search <player> <page> #Search the database
- /bps notifications # Run this command to toggle notifications visibility.
- /bps muted # Mute the server chat
- /search (player) # Get the player's information for example: ip, organization.
- /glist-<suffix> # Displays the list of connected players.
- BPS.TAB #To access all commands and /tab
- BPS.COMMANDS #See blocked commands and blocked plugins.
- BPS.NOTIFY #Send the warning of the player who is executing the command.
- BPS.SWEAR #Access to all bad words.
- BPS.SWEAR.TIME #Send messages with no time limit.
- BPS.SWEAR.ADVERTISING #Send ip link of servers etc ...
- BPS.SECURITY #Avoid entering without using the default IP in Security.yml
- BPS.VPN #Enter even if you have VPN!
- BPS.ADMIN #Access to all commands.
- BPS.DOWNLOADER #Enter with Liteloader (World Downloader)
- BPS.CHAT #Write even if the chat is muted
Lock all Lunar Client mods!
NEW! Added option to put your bot's token.
FEATURED! Add and remove commands from the plugin gui
FEATURED! Block command by sending the player's head and also unique effects!
FEATURED! Send messages when a player types an unknown command!
FEATURED! Register locked commands on discord!
FEATURED! Get the data player location, ip, organization and more!
FEATURED! Add more spaces on the server!
FEATURED! Blocks the use of
World Downloader
NEW! Change the language of the plugin
NEW! Group commands.
NEW! Block bad words!
NEW! Notify the staff in real time!
NEW! Locks the tab at 1.8.8-1.20 (only SpigotMC does not work on BungeeCord)
- In this version of bungeecord most features do not work like sounds, particles, fireworks and bossbar.
- TAB function with suggestions do not work
- The 3F Brand function is only available on BungeeCord.
- The menu options in BungeeCord mostly do not work since were originally designed for Spigot.