This resource does notsupport versions below1.12
What is RSD? When a player is sneaking, this plugin will take a percent from the config and subtract it from a players fall damage. It also has Particles, is very configurable, includes per-world setups, has Vanish support (Essentials, VNP, etc.), supports ActionAnnouncer, and fully supports WorldGuard. ReduceSneakDMG is an extremely light plugin, and players will love having a new way to reduce their fall damage!
Permissions By default, permissions are disabled and anyone can use the reduced fall damage feature.
reducesneakdmg.use - Allows players to take less damage on falling. reducedsneakdmg.admin - Lets you reload the config, etc. reducedsneakdmg.stats - Allows for the player to use /rsd stats (requires PUUIDs)
Commands: /rsd help - Shows command list /rsd toggle - Enables/Disables the feature server wide. /rsd reload - Reloads your configuration. /rsd stats - Shows total damage saved to-date! [Requires PUUIDs]
Code (YAML):
no-permission: '
%prefix% &cYou do not have permission to do that.' reload: '
%prefix% &2Configuration has been reloaded.' fell: '&fYou saved &6&l
%dmg% &fdamage by crouching' fell-tip: '&6&lTip
: &fNext time, crouch when you fall to reduce damage!'
stats: '&fYou''ve prevented &6&l
%dmg%&r &ffall damage from crouching to date.' settings:
when-falling-sneak: true
# Shows blood particle when reduced dmg on sneak is used. when-falling-normal: true
# Shows blood particle when taking dmg w/o sneaking. notify:
enable: true
# Should a message appear saying how much damage was saved? use-action-bar: true
# Should the message be sent above the hotbar? round: true
# Should we round the damage up? (Recommend = True) enable-plugin: true
# Should the Reduced Fall Damage on Sneak be enabled? use-permissions: false
use-particles: true
dmg-precent: 50.0
# Precent of damage to take off. disabled-worlds: # Set to disabled-worlds: [] to disable - lobby
- plotworld
Requires Java 8 or higher. That's it!
Optionally uses PUUIDs to enable per-player statistic saving with /rsd stats
There are no other requirements for this plugin to work, however, RSD is compatible with PUUIDs, Essentials, ActionAnnouncer, WorldGuard, and any Vanish plugin.