Island World ⚡ 1.21.3 support ⚡ Best Skyblock Plugin ⚡ icon

Island World ⚡ 1.21.3 support ⚡ Best Skyblock Plugin ⚡ -----

Highly customizable and configurable skyblock plugin


IslandWorld is highly customizable and configurable skyblock plugin developed from 7 years and used on thousand of minecraft servers. There is free version of plugin for minecraft 1.12 and older, you can download it here.

We decide to make 1.13 version and all next as a premium plugin.

  • Highly customizable
  • Optimized for small and big servers
  • Support your own schematic files
  • Multi launguage
  • Point ranking with configurable block values
  • Party with configurable player limit
  • Special chat prefix for parties
  • Configurable chest items on island start
  • Special features for vip players
  • Holographic Display support
  • Item and island protection
  • Special flags to allow or deny some actions on islands
  • Flying inside own island
  • Configurable command cost
  • Dynmap support
  • Ability to change biome on island or part of island
  • API allows you create additional features
IslandWorld have two main commands.
  • /island - command for players
  • /islandev - command for admin
type in-game commands without params to see all possible subcommands.

IslandWorld have two permission nodes:
  • islandworld.island.<name> - for player command
  • islandworld.islandev.<name> - for admin command
Where name is command name. For example when command will be /island create permission node will be islandworld.island.create

Since plugin allow to have more than one schematic and use permissions for normal players and special groups like vip you need to give also special permission for schematic: islandworld.create.<schematicname>

Other plugins are not needed to run IslandWorld. But some may be required if you need additional features.
  • WoldEdit - schematic support
  • Vault - economy eg. command cost
  • Holographics Display - island spawn will be marked
  • DynMap - map for your skyblock

Installation is easy and fast. Here's guide:

  • Download IslandWorld.jar and copy into your plugin folder.
  • Install VoidGen, CleanroomGenerator or other plugin to generate empty world.
  • Start server and wait until is fully loaded and islandworld create default config on disc
With multiverse plugin
  • Create empty world:
    /mv create <worldname> normal -g VoidGen:<biome> -t FLAT
  • Stop server
  • Make sure that your worlds in config (world-isle and world-spawn) are correct !
  • Adjust other config options
  • Start server
Without multiverse plugin
  • Stop server
  • Add into bukkit.yml on end:
generator: VoidGenerator:.

  • Make sure that your worlds in config (world-isle and world-spawn) level-name from and world in bukkit.yml are identical !
  • Adjust other config options
  • If you have already world generated on disc delete whole world folder it will be generated again on server start with correct generator
  • Start server

How to update plugin from 1.12 version ?

Update from 1.12 version is quite easy, mainly all item/block ids must be replaced with correct name. List of names can be found here. (do not use any LEGACY_ names)
  • stop your server
  • remove world-block-id node and add world-block-name (use correct block name eg. AIR
  • update your allowed-list, blocked-list, ignored-list and ignored-inventory-list. Change all IDs to correct material names.
  • change pathway.block from Id to name
  • if you are filling chest from config not schematic change your normal-items or any *-items nodes. Old format was name-data-count, now its name-count only.
  • if you are using Cleanroomgenerator change it to other generator eg. VoidGenerator since Cleanroom is not working correctly with 1.13 server!
  • copy new IslandWorld.jar inside your plugins folder
  • start your server again

IslandWorld uses WorldEdit for pasting schematics, so we supporting both .schematic and .schem files right now. We have two config options to controls where the schematic is pasted in the area:
  • schematic-move (x and z axis)
  • island-y-move (y axis)
If you want your island centered in region you must set schematic-move to half island-size.

To mark schematic spawn (point where player will be teleported after island creation) you should put inside schematic block END_PORTAL_FRAME (old blockid 120)

You can also put signs on ground with first line:
  • tree - org.bukkit.TreeType in second line (to spawn tree)
  • spawn - org.bukkit.entity.EntityType in second line (to spawn entity)
  • spawn - player in second line (to mark island spawn - sign heading will be used also)

You can also add chest with starting items inside schematic. Since worldedit is used for schematic paste you must have correct version of worldedit for your spigot. Sometimes when version is not correct chests can be empty after island creation. In that situation you can use config option for inserting items. You can define chest content for every schematic separately - just use its name. If your schematic is named normal.schematic add normal-items note in config and make list with items. (please refer to default configuration with comments, there is example)
If you want to use FAWE (Fast Async World Edit) you need to give permission fawe.bypass for your players.

Island World have built-in support for features for players with special perms (VIP, SuperVIP, Donor etc.)

  • Different starting schematic. Add all available schematics into config:
Code (Text):
  - svip
  - vip
  - normal
then give permission for your VIP group. You can also insert different items into VIP chests (if you are using chest filling from config not schematic and have enabled use-config-items option), just use config and create <name>-items: node:

Code (Text):
  • Different starting island size. Add spacings into config:
Code (Text):
region-spacing: 40

  svip: 10
  vip: 20
then give permission for your VIP group.
  • Different max party limit. Add possible party limits to config:
Code (Text):
party-limit: 4
  svip: 9
  vip: 6
then give permission for your VIP group
  • Different max homes limit. Add possible party limits to config:
Code (Text):

home-limit: 3
  svip: 9
  vip: 6
then give permission for your VIP group

IMPORTANT: if in your permission plugin groups inherit some permissions from other some things can work incorrectly. Then its good to negate permission. For example give permission for your VIP group and add permission for all other groups.

Island World have some features moved into seperate plugins.
For now we have available:
  • IslandWorldChallenges - challenges and achivements for islandworld plugin. You can give rewards for crafting or building things, catching animals, gathering items. You can also make achivements and give rewards for completing group of challenges.

IslandWorld have built-in support for MVdWPlaceholderAPI and PlaceholderAPI.
  • islandworld_points
  • islandworld_level
  • islandworld_rank
  • islandworld_position
  • islandworld_size
  • islandworld_schematic
  • islandworld_spacing
  • islandworld_members
  • islandworld_blocked
  • islandworld_locked
  • islandworld_purgeprotected
  • islandworld_visitblocked
  • islandworld_created
  • islandworld_opened
  • islandworld_last_login
  • islandworld_spawn_animals
  • islandworld_spawn_mobs
  • islandworld_limit_party
  • islandworld_limit_home

First, you need to insert IslandWorld.jar into your workspace as external library and add import it in your project:

Code (Text):
import pl.islandworld.api.IslandWorldApi;
also remember to add "depends" into your plugin.yml, your plugin must be loaded after IslandWorld.

You need to check if IslandWorld plugin is loaded and initialized correctly and you can use API methods:

Code (Text):
if (IslandWorldApi.isInitialized())
    // do stuff
To check what functions are available check our javadocs available on our site: - right now API have only few basic functions, if you need something special please give me know.


You can check here default configurations where all possible nodes are commented and described:

# Visit plugin page or spigot/bukkit website to check description for all options.

# Debugging
# Print debug messages?
default: false
# Log island changes to file?
island: false
# Print deleter messages ?
deleter: false

# You can decide if plugin should check for
# new versions and inform you about it
version-check: true

# Language. It will need messages_<language>.yml file in plugin folder
# Default def (english) included
# Do not translate def file, make separate file !
language: def

# Date format for info command
date-format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'

# Enable 1.13 tab completer ?
tab-completer: false

# Name of world where you will have islands
world-isle: islandworld

# Name of world where you have spawn
# Player will be moved there on island delete
world-spawn: world

# Block id what you use to generate world
world-block-name: AIR

# y coord for island (Number which you use to generate world with water)
# Or just height for isle in air
island-height: 20

# Min and max coords for islands
# Layers outside that coords will be ignored on rebuild
# By default 0-256
island-y-min: 0
island-y-max: 256

# Y move used only on schematic paste
island-y-move: 0

# Maximum island size
# Value will be used for protecting regions.
# Cannot be changed if you have islands already in world !
island-size: 100

# Region spacing
# For example if spacing is 1 and island-size 100
# Island box will have 100 x 100 size
# but WG region will have coords 1 x 99 and will be 1 block space
# between regions. (in fact two because island near will also have 1 block space)
region-spacing: 1

# Region spacing for player with 'islandworld.regionspacing.<name>' permission
permvip: 1

# Ability to extend island size by player
# If you set region-spacing to 35 for example
# And make step 10 on every /island extend
# you will make region-spacing 10 lower, so player
# can use command 3 times
region-step: 0

# By default island is sliced and removed layer by layer
# Here you can define height of every slice
delete-step: 20

# Delay between layers remove in tics
# 20 is 1 sec
delete-delay: 5

# If true on create/delete only island cuboid will be checked for blocks
# if false, whole cuboid with region-spacing also
check-only-island: true

# On island create plugin must check if whole cuboid is empty
# If you have big island it can take lots of time
# By setting here true you can skip that check
# but cuboid can contains some blocks.
skip-create-check: true

# How much islands can be created in same time?
parallel-create-limit: 0

# Maximum islands in row/col (will be x * z)
# Islands are pregenerated, you can change it later
max-count: 100

# Enable that option if your server is running
# online mode
track-uuid: false

# Use BiMap ?
use-bimap: false

# How new islands should be generated ?
# Snail : 0-0 0-1 1-0 1-1, 1-2 2-0 2-1 etc.
# Normal: 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 etc.
# Snail mode can take lots of time !
snail-mode: true

# If plugin should use worldEdit and schematics?
use-world-edit: true

# Plugin should use GUI (inventory menu) for
# homes ?
use-gui: false

# Available schematics for players, remember that player must have
# permission islandworld.create.<name>
- normal

# Controls where the schematic is pasted in the area
# First island have corner at coords 0x0
# with schematic-move 25 island will be pasted at 25x25
schematic-move: 0

# You can put there schematic height to lower lags on island creation.
# By default after island paste we need to check whole cuboid for blocks like
# chests, spawn signs, etc. and it generate lag when you put schematic height value here
# we will check blocks from (island-height - schematic-height) to (island-height + schematic-height)
schematic-height: 0

# when you provide schematic width we will check only blocks
# from (schematic-move) to (schematic-move + schematic-width)
schematic-width: 0

# Commands to run after island is created and player is teleported to island
# You can use %player% to insert creator name
- sethome

# Commands to run after island is deleted and player is teleported to spawn
# You can use %player% to insert owner name
- sethome

# Like on-create but executed as console

# Like on-delete but executed as console

# Teleport delay (on home, spawn, tp commands)
# 0 to disable delay
teleport-delay: 0

# Works only with teleport delay > 0
# Any movement will break teleport wait
movement-break-tp: false

# /is visit should also use teleport delay?
# Note : delay will be used only if island is openned
visit-tp-delay: false

# Skip check for solid block on /is home, /is sethome commands
skip-tp-home-check: false

# Skip safety check on /is visit command
skip-tp-visit-check: true

# Time limit in minutes between possible delete commands
# 0 to disable option
time-limit: 0

# Time limit in minutes between possible fixhome commands
# 0 to disable option
fixhome-limit: 0

# Time limit in minutes between possible calc commands
calc-limit: 10

# How much islands player one after one player can create.
# If player delete & create x times island
# he will be not able to create next one until admin reset that limit.
# 0 to disable option
create-limit: 0

# If you enable that option player will not be able to delete
# his last allowed island if he reach create-limit
create-limit-block-delete: false

# Autosave time - in minutes, 0 to disable
auto-save: 60

# Auto deleter in minutes. We will check if there is island to delete, and remove blocks
# and add island to free list
auto-deleter: 5

# If you want auto deleter only in night to not lag server in day you can
# provide start hour in auto-deleter-start config and set auto-deleter-hours
# for example start at 22:00 and 8 hours will work only to 6AM
# 0 to disable option - deleter will work all the time
auto-deleter-hours: 6

# When autodeleter should start deleting islands
auto-deleter-start: '22:00'

# Determine if plugin should make backup on every
# startup
backup-on-start: true

# After how much days backup files should be deleted?
# 0 to disable and keep all backups
backup-max-days: 0

# Clear player inventory on:
create: true
delete: true
leave: true
remove: false
quitfall: false

# Clear player ender chest on :
create: true
delete: true
leave: true
remove: false

# Reset economy balance on island delete ?
# Economy must be enabled also!
eco-reset: false

# Allow visit command?
allow-visit: true

# If true player added to one island cannot make own island
# or cannot be added to other island as helper
strict-party: true

# Some commands can use only owner of island, not helper.
# If you will put commands on that list, all people helping on
# island will be allowed to use that commands
# Warning : that option is working ONLY with strict-party enabled !
- home

# Players limit in party (without owner)
# 0 to disable limit
party-limit: 4

# Players limit in party (without owner)
# for players with islandworld.partylimit.<name> permission
# if player have more than one permission, higher count will be used
svip: 9
vip: 6

# How much homes player can setup
home-limit: 3

# How much homes player with 'islandworld.homelimit.<name>' permission can setup
# if player have more than one permission, higher count will be used
svip: 9
vip: 6

# If true it will allow to get lava from obsidian using empty bucket
obsidian-break: false

# If true it will work only for one block of obsidian if near there is
# no other obsidian block
obsidian-limit: true

# Request time in seconds when we will wait for player reply
# Used in delete or visit command
request-time: 10

# How much records /is rank should show
rank-size: 10

# Island ranking is cached and loaded only once per
# reload-time minutes
reload-time: 30

# Auto purge in days. 0 to disable that option
auto-purge: 0

# If true Purge command will check also last visit of
# members not only owner.
purge-check-members: true

# You can set here point value
# If island have points above that value
# will not be deleted
purge-points: 0

# Delay between island delete in seconds
purge-delay: 60

# Block teleport commands while falling
# It will block home,tp,visit commands
falling-block-tp: true

# That config will remove all mobs near teleport point
# on /is home - so player will be safe after teleport
remove-mob-on-tp: false

# If 'true' player will be respawned on own island
# If 'false' will be spawned in spawnpoint of spawn-world
# If 'skip' island world will not modify respawns at all
respawn-on-island: 'skip'

# If true players will be teleported to spawn from any
# portal from nether
spawn-from-nether: false

# That option will teleport all players to spawn point
# of spawn world when they quit from server
spawn-on-quit: false

# Kill player if he reach Y < 0 in island world
fast-kill: false

# Teleport player to spawn when he fall
tele-on-fall: false

# Mark island spawns with holograms
# HolographicsDisplay plugin is required
enabled: false
text: 'Spawn here!'

# Party Chat prefix
# If message will start with that part for exaple '!' -> !hello
# Only members of island will see it use "none" to disable that feature
# Use "all" to separate all chat messages when player is on island.
party-prefix: 'none'

# You can use :
# %level% - island level
# %points% - island points
# eg. chat-prefix: '&5<&aP:%points%&5>&d<&2LVL:%level%&d>&r'
chat-prefix: 'none'

# Player without island should have level 0 ?
chat-prefix-without-island: true

# Check if player have still permission
# for lock/open on login
check-lock-open-flags: true

# If change owner by player is allowed on server ?
owner-change-allowed: false

# Players will have ability to lock islands
# When island is locked only owner and members can enter.
island-lock: false

# If true player can open island with offline mode
# just with use /is open command
open-offline: false

# Is protection sings are allowed on server?
item-protection: false

# If enabled players will be able to use commands like
# /is moboff /is animaloff
# which block spawn inside island
spawn-switcher: false

# If enabled players can use /island fly on own island
# When they go outside island flying is disabled
island-flying: false

# If player will fly outside island he will be teleported
# to spawn point
spawn-flying: false

# Block all liquids inside island cuboid and
# don't allow spread
liquid-listeners: false

# Protection for area under negative coords (-100 x -100) (usually spawn)
# If true - player will be able to build, break, use sings, chests etc
# and you need other plugin to protect that area if you have spawn there
# If false - only OPs can build. You don't need any additional plugins to protect
# spawn but also you cannot use there signs, chests etc.
negative-build: true

# Default biome for created islands. Use /islandev biomelist for whole list
# Set 'none' to disable that option.
default-biome: forest

# If false player need only islandworld.island.biomeset permission and he can use all available biomes.
# If true player need also islandworld.island.biomeallowed.BIOMENAME permission
# for both commands biomeset and biomechunset
# So you can limit possible biomes for players or groups using perms
per-biome-perms: false

# If you are using command-cost config with economy
# with that option enabled plugin will use config nodes
# biomeset-<biomename> and biomechunset-<biomename>
# with option disabled cost is taken from
# biomeset and biomechunset configs
per-biome-cost: false

# Calculate points for island on player enter
calc-on-enter: false

# With that option to true plugin will destroy all
# chestshop signs on island leave/remove
remove-chest-shops: false

# Remove lockette signs when player
# leave island or its removed?
remove-lockette: false

# Addons
# By default islandworld will use addons if plugin is installed.
# You can disable addon here
worldborder: true
mvdwplaceholder: true

# Protection flags
# Display welcome message?
move-info: true
# Pvp on islands are enabled ?
pvp: false
# Chest access?
chest-acces: true
# Monster Eggs?
use-egg: false
# Use vehicle?
use-vehicle: false
# Use boats?
use-boat: false
# Can other players pickup items from ground?
item-pickup: false
# Can other players can drop item on ground?
item-drop: true
# If visitors will drop on ground on death?
death-item-drop: true
# Can other players use portals ?
use-portal: false
# Can other players use villagers?
use-villager: false
# Can other players kill animals?
kill-animals: false
# Can other players kill monsters? (not animals)
kill-monster: false
# Can other players kill golems ?
kill-golems: false
# Can other players throw potions ?
potion-throw: false
# Can other players throw eggs?
egg-throw: false
# Can drop pearls?
use-pearl: false
# Can use fireworks ?
use-firework: false
# Can other players shear sheep?
shear: false
# Fire can damage visitors ?
fire-damage: true
# Falling should damage visitors ?
fall-damage: true

# Allowed item/blocks for non-members on islands

# Blocked items/blocks for non-memebers on island

# Blocks here will be ingnored on island detele/create
# If cuboid constains some blocks they will stay there

# What items should be ignored on inventory clear and
# not deleted ?

# Nicks of players (stuff, admins etc.) who will be not added to rank
- Someone

# Divider for island level. By default island have 100x100x256 blocks
# player can have max 2 560 000 points
# level of island is calculated = (points/divider)
# so with max points island will have 100 lvl
level-divider: 25600

# Points per material for calculations <blockname>: points
# by default all blocks have 'material-default' config value
'WATER': 0
'LAVA': 0

# Default value for blocks
material-default: 1

# Mysql Database
# Database is used to store points
# Use word disabled in host to disable mysql
host: disabled
port: 3306
user: islandworld
pass: password
base: islandworld
table: island_stats
useSSL: true

# Pathway between islands
# If you prefer have pathways protected set region-spacing and
# pathway width to same value
# If pathway.schematic will exists will be used
# Size of pathway. 0 to disable that option
width: 0
# height
height: 150
# name of Block
block: OAK_SLAB

# You need to have VAULT installed to use
# economy settings

# Determine if economy is enabled
economy-enabled: false

# Ask player before run command and take cash ?
economy-ask: false

# Cost of commands
# Use commandname: cost eg. create : 100
# you can also use global: 200 - all commands will cost 200
commandname: 200

# dynmap specific settings
# enable dynmap support?
enabled: false
# print more informaction about work
debug: false
# island count to make per one tick
ispertick: 50
# time (in 1/20 sec) between work ticks
timetick: 1
# update time (in sec)
updatetime: 3600
# Style for regions
strokeColor: "#00FF00"
strokeOpacity: 0.7
strokeWeight: 3
fillColor: "#00FF00"
fillOpacity: 0.3

# If used items will be inserted into chest from config
# and not from schematic, you need to make list with items named
# schematicname-items
use-config-items: true

# Items for 'normal' schematic
# Names fo materials can be found here:
- INK_SAC 2 3
- APPLE 10
- MELON 10
- BONE 10

- INK_SAC 4 3
- APPLE 10
- MELON 10
- BONE 20

  • You may not sell, re-upload, or send my plugin to anyone else.
  • You may not reproduce any of my code in your plugin
  • You may not decompile this plugin

Please - do not put any bug reports in reviews. If you found any bug, have problem with plugin or have idea for new feature use PM system or send email to gandaflux[at] review system is not for bug reports!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,004
First Release: Jan 5, 2019
Last Update: Nov 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
31 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings