every AFK players on your server and perform actions.
• Detect every AFK players on your server
• Run commands, teleport players, send messages, titles and more
• Teleport players who are no longer AFK to their last location
• Send players to other servers
⁽ᴮᵘⁿᵍᵉᵉᶜᵒʳᵈ⁾ • Everything is customizable
• TAB, PlaceholderAPI, Factionssupport
/xaa reload - Reload the configuration file
/xaa version /afk /afk <player>
xantiafk.admin | Display/use admins commands
xantiafk.bypass | Bypass AFK check
xantiafk.afk | Access to the /afk command
# In ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) checkInterval: 20
# Check operator (/op) players knowing they have all permissions including 'xantiafk.bypass' checkOp: false
# Set player as AFK when joining the server afkOnJoin: false
# Set player as no longer AFK when sending chat message noLongerOnChat: true
# Each check actions:
'180': - messages:prevent
'240': - setAfk
'360': - commands:kick
onAfk: # Prevent player from hitting and being hurt noDamage: true
# Send a title to players while they are AFK. none: disabled title: none actions: - broadcasts:nowafk
- messages:protected
noLonger: # Teleport player to their back location teleportBack: false
actions: - broadcasts:nolonger
reload: "&aConfiguration reloaded." nopermission: "&cYou don't have the permission to do that." nohurt: "&cYou can't hurt an AFK player" playernotfound: "&cPlayer '&e%player%&c' not found." messages:
prefix: "&4[&fx&c&lAntiAFK&4]&f " prevent: "&6Looks like you're AFK..." protected: "&6You're now protected." broadcasts:
prefix: "&4[&fx&c&lAntiAFK&4]&f " nowafk: "&e%player% &6is now AFK" nolonger: "&e%player% &6is no longer AFK" commands:
kick: "kick %player% &4[&fx&c&lAntiAFK&4] &eYou're AFK" playerCommands:
example: "me is afk" titles:
title: '&cAFK'
subtitle: '&7You are AFK'
title: Title
subtitle: Subtitle
fadeIn: 10
stay: 70
fadeOut: 20
# Here you can change the output of placeholders (if using PlaceholderAPI) placeholders:
default: "" afk: " &4[&cAFK&4]"
# Here you can change the permissions (it's not much use, but it might be useful to someone) permissions:
afk: xantiafk.afk
bypass: xantiafk.bypass
bypassall: xantiafk.bypass.
all admin: xantiafk.admin
worlds: # If true, players can be afk only in the worlds in the list whitelist: false
stopChecking: false
# Only prevent players from becoming afk preventsBeingAfk: true
list: - ignored_world
# Currently supports Factions (MassiveCore) factions: # If false, afk players will no longer gain power afkPowerGain: true
# If true, the plugin will also check the X-Y-Z coordinates of the players useCoordinateCheck: false
disableMetrics: false
disableVersionCheck: false