This plugin will allow your players to buy and sell XP using commands!.
In this revamped version of the plugin you can also use color codes in the messages via the config
when updating to the 1.6.4-BETA-HOTFIX you will need to delete your current XPShop folder
(From what I can tell, this is the first I've seen of this type of XP shop that is this customizable
Servers using this plugin:
Vault is required
Code (Text):
description: Sell your XP for money
usage: /sellxp [amount|all]
aliases: [xpsell]
description: Buy XP with money
usage: /buyxp [amount|max]
description: Reload the XPShop configuration
usage: /xpshopreload
description: Convert XP into bottles of enchanting
usage: /xpbottle convert <amount>
description: Gives access to all XPShop commands
xpshop.sell: true true
xpshop.reload: true
xpshop.bottle: true
description: Allows you to sell XP
default: false
description: Allows you to buy XP
default: false
description: Allows you to reload the XPShop configuration
default: op
description: Allows you to convert XP into bottles
default: false
Code (Text):
# Price for selling 1 XP (in economy currency)
xp-sell-price: 1.0
# Price for buying 1 XP (in economy currency)
xp-buy-price: 1.2
# Maximum amount of XP that can be sold in one transaction
# Set to -1 for no limit
max-xp-sell: -1
# Maximum amount of XP that can be bought in one transaction
# Set to -1 for no limit
max-xp-buy: -1
# Daily limit for selling XP
# Set to -1 to disable the daily limit
daily-xp-sell-limit: -1
# Configurable messages
invalid-amount-buy: "&cInvalid amount. Usage: /{command} [amount or max]"
invalid-amount-sell: "&cInvalid amount. Usage: /{command} [amount or all]"
no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command!"
config-reloaded: "&aConfiguration reloaded successfully!"
not-enough-xp: "&cYou only have {amount} XP!"
max-sell-limit: "&cYou can only sell up to {amount} XP at once!"
daily-limit-reached: "&cYou've reached your daily XP sell limit!"
daily-limit-selling: "&eYou can only sell {amount} more XP today due to the daily limit."
successful-sell: "&aSuccessfully sold {amount} XP for ${money}!"
not-enough-money: "&cYou can't afford {amount} XP! You can only buy {affordable} XP."
no-money: "&cYou don't have enough money!"
successful-buy: "&aSuccessfully bought {amount} XP for ${money}!"
max-buy-limit: "&cYou can only buy up to {amount} XP at once!"
invalid-bottle-usage: "&cInvalid usage! Use /xpbottle convert <amount>"
invalid-bottle-amount: "&cInvalid bottle amount! Please specify a positive number."
not-enough-xp-bottle: "&cYou need at least {required} XP to create these bottles!"
inventory-full: "&cYour inventory is full!"
bottle-created: "&aCreated {amount} XP bottles using {xp} XP!"
If you have an issue with the plugin, please contact me on the discussion page or send me a direct message, the reviews section is NOT for issues/support, please don't leave a negative review before contacting me first! You can also join my discord server for faster support: