Easy to use random teleport plugin for lightweight needs!
Teleports you to a random location
Teleport other players
Configure all messages.
Configure particle effect.
Toggle blindness teleport effect.
Blacklist/Whitelist Worlds.
Config min/max coords distance.
Config cooldown time + message.
Pre Loads Chunk Before TP
Commands: /rtp Alias: Wild, Wilderness, randomtp /rtp force player world /rtp reload
Permissions: No Cooldown - srtp.nocooldown /rtp reload - srtp.admin | op | console /rtp force - srtp.admin | op | console /rtp world - srtp.world | op Server Version 1.19 - 1.20.6 May work on lower versions but not confirmed
Code (YAML):
# [SimpleRTP]
# Placeholder $distance$ displays how many blocks away you teleported. # Placeholder $x $y $z displays the new coordinates. # Hex colors can be used as � Teleport-Message:
Before: '&8
] &7> Searching for a safe place to teleport, stay still!'
After: '&8
] &7> You have been teleported $distance$ blocks away! At x
: $x y
: $y z
: $z'
# Placeholder $time$ displays cooldown time left. Cooldown-Messages:
Message: '&8
] &7> &cYou must wait $time$ seconds to teleport again!'
Enabled: true
Message: '&8
] &7> &eCooldown ended! You can now use &7/rtp'
# Cooldown time in seconds. Cooldown-Time:
Enabled: true
Seconds: 30
# Should the teleport cancel if the player moves. # Seconds the player must stand still after the command. Cancel-On-Move:
Enabled: false
Seconds: 3
Message: '&8
] &cCancelled teleport. You must stay still to teleport!'
# RTP will not be available in blacklisted worlds. Teleportation:
enabled: true
blocked-worlds: -
"world_the_end" Invalid-World: '&cYou can not use RTP in this world.'
# The maximum and minimum range coordinates the player will teleport from their original place. MaxRadius: 5000
MinRadius: -5000