ViaChatFixer icon

ViaChatFixer -----

A plugin that allows 1.11+ players to have longer chat messages on 1.8-1.10 servers with ViaVersion!

Legacy ViaVersion support
If you use ViaVersion 4.x you need to use ViaChatFixer 1.1.0.
If you use ViaVersion 3.x you need to use ViaChatFixer 1.0.0.
If you use ViaVersion 2.x you need to use ViaChatFixer 0.2.0.
If you use ViaVersion 1.6.0 or lower you need to use ViaChatFixer 0.1.0.

ViaChatFixer is a small Spigot plugin that allows 1.11+ players to have longer chat messages on 1.8-1.10 servers with ViaVersion

In Minecraft 1.11, the maximum messages length has gone from 100 characters to 256 characters. So if your server is under 1.11, 1.11 and higher players will have their chat messages cut at 100 characters.

This plugin fix this problem, so 1.11 and higher players will able to send longer chat messages up to 256 characters :)

Exemple with message of 165 characters on a 1.8.8 server:


  • Really light and simple: no config and no commands
  • Compatible with other chat plugins that don't use chat packets (wich plugin would use it ?)

Just put the ViaChatFixer jar in your plugins folder. Currently this plugin only works on Spigot, but Sponge support should be added soon. This plugin can work with BungeeCord as long as ViaVersion and this plugin are on the Spigot servers.

All players online during a reload will not be able to have longer chat messages until they reconnect

Bugs and suggestions
Please don't post bugs or suggestions in the review section, but please open an issue on GitHub.

If you just have a question, you can ask it in the discussion page.

And if you like this plugin you can leave a review or star the GitHub project.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 818
First Release: Oct 29, 2018
Last Update: Jun 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings