The game is played as follows: In The Bridge, players are divided into two teams and battle across a single, narrow bridge suspended between 2 or 4 islands. Each team's objective is to cross the bridge and score points by jumping into the opponent's pit, located on their island. Players can use swords to fight and defend their bridge, while also being able to build or destroy the bridge itself for strategic advantage. The game is fast-paced, requiring teamwork and quick reflexes, and ends when a team successfully scores 5 points. The bridge can be rebuilt, making every round a dynamic challenge. TEST (
Features: The plugin is highly configurable, allowing you to customize nearly every aspect. Some notable features of this game mode include:
Design Your Own Map: Unleash your creativity by designing personalized map.
Configurable: Change join, leave, kill and other messages.
Different map sizes: Teams of 2 or 4 islands.
API: You can add your own things on top of the game by using plugins api.
Download the plugin.
Put it inside your plugins folder.
Restart the server or reload it to generate the config files.
You can configure the config and when you're ready add some maps to the plugin by following the setup video.
You are done.
Setup videos:
Commands: /tb play - Open a selector menu. /tb join [name] - Join the game. /tb leave - Leave game. /tb create [game_name] - Create a new game. /tb edit [game_name] - Edit a game. /tb set inventory bar - Set the default inventory position.
Permissions: - To play the game. TheBridge.admin - To create and edit games.
Code (YAML):
# Command that every player in the game executes at the end End_Command: 'lobby'
ColorPrefx: '&4'
ColorName: 'RED'
r: 237
g: 40
b: 40
ColorPrefx: '&1'
ColorName: 'BLUE'
r: 0
g: 100
b: 255
ColorPrefx: '&e'
ColorName: 'YELLOW'
r: 255
g: 255
b: 0
ColorPrefx: '&a'
ColorName: 'GREEN'
r: 100
g: 255
b: 0
# If you want to save user data locally set it to true. # If you want to save user data in a database then set it to false. Save_Locally: true
################## Timing ################## # Waiting for players in lobby time (in seconds) Waiting_In_Lobby: 30
# Waiting for next round (in seconds) Waiting_For_Next_Round: 5
# End waiting to execute the command "end_command" (in seconds) Waiting_Before_End: 20
################## Constants ################## # How many times to score to win the game. Winning_Score: 5
# Auto start game percentage (0.0 - 1.0). Higher the percentage more # players will it require before the game autostarts. Start_percentage: 0.75
# Arrow refresh rate (in seconds). Arrow_refresh: 3
# Spectator border Spectator_border: 20
Border_side: 3
Border_Up: 5
# Pit radius pit_radius: 2
################## Messages ################## # Color codes can be used in all minecraft messages # &0 = black | &1 = Dark Blue | &2 = Dark Green # &3 = Dark Aqua | &4 = Dark Red | &5 = Dark Purple # &6 = Gold | &7 = Gray | &8 = Dark Gray # &9 = Blue | &a = Green | &b = Aqua # &c = Red | &d = Light Purple| &e = Yellow # &f = White # &k = Obfuscated| &l = Bold | &m = Strikethrough # &n = Underline | &o = Italic | &r = Reset
# time = <time> Starting_Title: '&aGame starts in'
Starting_Subtitle: '<time> seconds!'
Starting_Actionbar: '&aStarting in <time> seconds.'
Waiting_For_Players_Title: '&6Waiting for players!'
No_games_available: '&cNo games available!'
Game_ending: '&cThis game is ending!'
Starting_game: '&6Starting the game!'
Fight: '&aGo!'
# team name = <team> Team_wins: '<team> team wins!'
# player = <player> Player_scores: '<player> scored!'
All_Player_leave: '&cAll players left!'
You_are_already_in_game: '&8
] &cYou are already in a game!'
You_are_not_in_game: '&8
] &cYou are not in a game!'
Game_couldnt_be_found: '&8
] &cGame could not be found.'
incorrect_use_of_command: '&8
] &cIncorrect use of command!'
too_many_players: '&8
] &dThere were to may players in teams. You are now a spectator!'
# player = <victim>, damager player = <damager> killed_msg: '&8
] &f<victim> &fdied!'
killed_by_killer_msg: '&8
] &f<victim> &fhas been slain by <damager>'
death_knocked_msg: '&8
] &f<victim> &fhas been knocked into the void by <damager>'
death_fall_void_msg: '&8
] &f<victim> &ffell into the void!'
# player = <player> join_msg: '&8
] &a<player> &fjoined the game!'
leave_msg: '&8
] &a<player> &fleft the game!'