PayPal is currently disabled, while I work on this, For those who require support/to purchase the resource can do so on our Discord.
This plugin provides the functionality to create
unlimited, different Repair Tokens with different durability assigned to them. When a user uses a token and tool together, this tool will be repaired by this a predefined amount.
This plugin can be used in all types of gamemodes including Survival, SkyBlock, Factions and Prison.
Versions from 1.8 - 1.20 supported!
Come and join our official Discord Server!
Create unlimited Repair Tokens
Set the durability amount (the number of uses) that each repair token repairs by
Modify each Repair Token to your liking
Modify the list of Materials that these Repair Tokens can be applied to
No dependencies required
Extremely customisable
API For developers
- /RepairToken give <player> <repairtoken> <amount> - Gives a user a specified repair token - Permission
jetsrepairtoken.admin.give - /RepairToken giveall <repairtoken> <amount> - Gives all users online a specified repair token - Permission
jetsrepairtoken.admin.giveall - /RepairToken reload - Reloads the configuration file - Permission
jetsrepairtoken.admin.reload - /RepairToken list - Lists all valid tokens - Permission
jetsrepairtoken.admin.list - /RepairToken about - Lists information about the plugin
Instead of using /RepairToken, the alias /rt can be used!
1. Place the jar within the 'plugins' directory
2. Run the server to produce the configuration file
3. Edit the Configuration file to your liking
4. Run the command /rt reload to reload the configuration file
#Message that is shown if an item is clicked on an invalid item
InvalidItem: "%PREFIX%&cThis item cannot be repaired!"
#Message that is shown if the item is already fully repaired
ItemAlreadyFullyRepaired: "%PREFIX%&cThis item is already fully repaired!"
#Message that is shown if the item has been fully repaired by the repair token
FullyRepaired: "%PREFIX%&aThis item is now fully repaired!"
#Message that is shown if the item has been partly repaired
PartlyRepaired: "%PREFIX%&aThis item has been repaired by &c%DURABILITY% &auses!"
#Message that is shown if a user does not have access to that command
NoPermission: "%PREFIX%&cNo Permission!"
#Should repair tokens be stackable?
Stackable: true
#The message that is sent to the player when a repair token is given to the that user (when the give command is used)
#Use %NAME% to get the displayname of the item
#Use %NUMBER% to get the amount given
#Type "none" for no message to show
ReceivedRepairToken: "%PREFIX%&aYou have received a %NUMBER% %NAME%"
#Use %NAME% to get the displayname of the item
#Use %NUMBER% to get the amount given
#TYhe message that is sent to the player when everyone on the server receives a token (when the giveall command is used)
#Type "none" for no message to show
AllReceivedRepairToken: "%PREFIX%&aEveryone has just received %NUMBER% %NAME%!"
#Repair Items
Repair1: #The name of the item (used in the give command)
item: NETHER_STAR #Must be a valid material (
data: 0 #Used for further material data (Not needed for 1.13)
repairDurability: 10 #The amount that it will repair the items durability by
name: "&eRepair Token &7(Tier I)" #Items name
lore: #Lore of the item
- "&7Increase an items durability by"
- "&7Drag this item onto another to repair it!"
setGlow: true #Whether you want the item to have a glow
spawnParticles: true #Whether you want a helix to show
permission: "none" #Whether you want a permission for it to be useable
sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING # >>>> USE BLOCK_NOTE_PLING if on 1.12.2 !!! <<<< The sound to play, simply type NONE if you wish a sound not play
data: 0
repairDurability: 50% #You can also do %, so this will repair the item by an additional 50%
name: "&eRepair Token &7(Tier II)"
- "&7Increase an items durability by"
- "&7Drag this item onto another to repair it!"
setGlow: true
spawnParticles: true
permission: "none"
data: 0 #Used for further material data
repairDurability: 200
name: "&eRepair Token &7(Tier III)"
- "&7Increase an items durability by"
- "&7Drag this item onto another to repair it!"
setGlow: true
spawnParticles: true
permission: "none"
The plugin has one event located here:
This event is called when a Repair Token is about to be consumed
Code (Text):
public void onTokenUse(TokenUseEvent e){
//Check if the item being clicked is a wooden pickaxe
if(e.getClickedItem().getType() == Material.WOOD_PICKAXE){
//Check if the player doing it is called jet315
//Check if the repair token is a Nether Star
if(e.getRepairItem().getItemStack().getType() == Material.NETHER_STAR){
//Prevent jet315 from using the Repair Token!
Simply send me a message via Spigot
By buying this plugin you agree to the following terms:
You will not chargeback - If you have a problem message me, in most cases I will happily refund the purchase (If within 48 Hours of purchase)
I cannot guarantee support indefinitely.
You may not redistribute or resell this plugin or any part of it
I may refuse to give you support with or without any specific reason
If you have an issue with this plugin, please contact me before leaving a 1 or low star rating
Basic metrics are gathered including server version, plugin version, and players on the server
I can update this terms of use at any time, without notification