ConnectTheBlocks | GUI Inventory Minigame [1.8-1.21.4] icon

ConnectTheBlocks | GUI Inventory Minigame [1.8-1.21.4] -----

Logic Minigame | Fun for lobbies | Create your own categories and levels! (MySQL support)

> It could be a nice way to mantain your players entertained in your server by adding a small minigame like this one.
> You can reward players in different ways when completing levels, like with money or xp.
The idea of the game is to connect the blocks with the same color. To accomplish that, you need to follow some rules:

> Default start/end blocks will be present on every level. These blocks are fixed, players can't remove them.
> To start placing blocks, first you need to select one of the default ones by clicking on them. Then, to place a block of the selected type, left click on an empty slot on the inventory.
> If you want to remove blocks of the same type, right click one of them.
> To complete the level you need to fill all the empty slots of the inventory, connecting the default blocks.

Rule 1
Blocks of the same type must be connected.

Rule 2
You need to follow just one line. You can't place blocks from both the start and the end block at the same time. If you do, the placed blocks will be removed.

Rule 3
The blocks can not have more than 2 blocks of the same type around them. So, these kind of movement are not possible to make.

Rule 4
The path must not have any kind of bifurcations.


(This is a Spanish community support Discord, however there is a category for both spanish and english support. Go to the "Plugins Ajneb97" category and there you can ask for help in the "general-plugins-ajneb97" channel.
If you need MY HELP or contact with me, just post your question/issue in the discussion of the plugin or send me a private message here on SpigotMC)



What can I do with the plugin?
ConnectTheBlocks is basically a GUI Inventory Minigame based on popular
smartphone games like "Flow Free". The objective of the game is to connect the blocks with the same color following a certain set of rules.



5 default categories
Create your own!
Custom Inventory Items
> Default Category Item
> No Requirements
> Level Completed
> Level Unlocked
> Level Blocked
> Per level
> All levels
> Inventory rewards

202 default levels
Create your own in game!
Custom Shapes
Custom Blocks
Up to 9x6 size levels

Extensive Configuration
You can modify all aspects of the game, including the shapes of levels,
the blocks the player can place, and all the items.

Other useful Features
Inventory Backup while playing
Worlds whitelist/blacklist
Configurable inventories
PlaceholderAPI support on items name/lore
Works on 1.8+

Commands and Permissions

(alias: /connecttheblocks)
/ctb Opens the main game GUI.
/ctb createlevel Creates a new level.
/ctb editlevel Edits a level from category.
/ctb removelevel Removes a level from category.
/ctb reload Reloads the config.

(only one)
Access all plugin commands.

Terms & Conditions
By purchasing ConnectTheBlocks you agree to the following Terms & Conditions:
1) You can't resell/redistribute/share this plugin.
2) There are no refunds.
3) You can't claim this plugin as your own.
4) Only use this plugin on your server/network.
5) I can change the price of this plugin anytime.​
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 84
First Release: Apr 16, 2018
Last Update: Jan 30, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
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Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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