TownyFlight icon

TownyFlight -----

Towny-enabled Flight

Finally, you can allow towny residents to fly while in their own towns, for free, from the lead developer of Towny.

Players that are flying and make a PVP combat attack will have their attack cancelled and their flight taken away. Players that are in creative and make attacks will be allowed to continue flying, but will have their pvp attack canceled.

Players that have their flight taken away will fall harmlessly to the ground.

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  • /tfly - Enable/disable flight.
  • /tfly reload - Reload the config.
  • /tfly {name} - Removes flight from someone.
  • /tfly town {townname} toggleflight - Enables free flight in a town (use this on your Spawn city if you want everyone to be able to fly there.)
  • /tfly tempflight {playername} 1000 - Gives 1000 seconds of tempflight.
  • /tfly tempflight {playername} 10s - Gives 10 seconds of tempflight.
  • /tfly tempflight {playername} 10m - Gives 10 minutes of tempflight.
  • /tfly tempflight {playername} 1h - Gives 1 hour of tempflight.
  • /tfly tempflight {playername} 1d - Gives 1 day of tempflight.
Permission nodes:
  • townyflight.command.tfly - required to use /tfly.
  • townyflight.command.tfly.reload - required to use /tfly reload.
  • - required to use /tfly town {townname} toggleflight.
  • townyflight.command.tfly.tempflight - required to use /tfly tempflight.
  • townyflight.command.tfly.other - required to use /tfly {name}.
  • townyflight.alliedtowns - allows players to use /tfly in towns which consider that player an ally.
  • townyflight.nationtowns - allows players to use /tfly in towns which are part of the player's nation.
  • townyflight.alltowns - allows players to use /tfly in any town, but not the wilderness.
  • townyflight.trustedtowns - allows players to use /tfly in towns which they are trusted.
  • townyflight.bypass - default to Ops, bypasses removal of flight, use /tfly anywhere.
  • Config auto-updates with new features while keeping your old settings intact (like Towny.)
  • Includes all language strings in case translation is required.
  • options.auto_Enable_Flight
    • default: false
    • If set to true, players entering their town will have flight auto-enabled.
    • When set to true, the plugin will use slightly more resources due to the EnterTown listener.
  • options.auto_Enable_Silent
    • default: false
    • If set to true, players entering their town will have flight auto-enabled without being notified in chat
  • options.disable_During_Wartime
    • default: true
    • If set to false, players can still fly in their town while war is active.
  • options.disable_Combat_Prevention
    • default: false
    • If set to false, TownyFlight will not prevent combat from player who fly or take their flight away.
  • options.show_Permission_After_No_Permission_Message
    • default: true
    • If set to false, the language.noPermission message will not display the permission node.
  • options.flight_Disable_Timer
    • default: 3
    • Number of seconds after leaving an allowed flight area before flight is taken away. Set to 0 to take flight away immediately.
PAPI Placeholders:
  • %townyflight_can_player_fly% - Displays true or false, based on whether the player could fly at their current location.
  • %townyflight_temp_flight_seconds_remaining% - Shows a formatted flight time remaining, ie: 30 seconds, or 5 minutes 2 seconds.
  • %townyflight_temp_flight_seconds_remaining_raw% - Shows the number of seconds of flight time remaining with no formatting, ie: 30, or 302.

I'm open to new features and willing to fix any bugs found. If you use the plugin and enjoy it leave a nice review.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 7,517
First Release: Dec 4, 2017
Last Update: Nov 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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