Description This API is designed to allow plugin developers to easily add customized particle projectiles, hence the name. ParticleProjectileApi comes with its own event classes giving the developer a way to cancel an effect when a particle hits, this is quite useful in say mini-games to prevent friendly-fire. It is completely possible to create multiple projectile classes and is encouraged too. When extending the ParticleProjectile class, the developer will be met with five methods: OnHit, OnHitBlock, OnHitEntity, OnPenetrateBlock, OnPenetrateEntity, and OnMove. These methods allow for adding code to run when a projectile hits, passes through something, or moves.
method to launch particles (No packets used)
Custom events that can be canceled
Create multiple projectile classes for different effects
public class MyProjectile extends ParticleProjectile {
public MyProjectile() {
super(Particle.REDSTONE, 0.1, 7.5, 20.0 , 128.0);
setColor(ParticleColor.fromRGB(255, 0, 0));
//Initialize a projectile with a color of red, a hitbox with size 0.1 cubed, Mass of 7.5 grams, speed of 20.0 meters/second, max distance of 128 meters
public void OnLaunch(LivingEntity who, Location start) {
//Do something when launch
public void OnHit(LivingEntity who, Location end) {
//Do something when reach max distance
public void OnHitBlock(LivingEntity who, Location end, Block what) {
//Do something when hit block
public void OnHitEntity(LivingEntity who, Location end, Entity what) {
//Do something when hit entity
public void OnPenetrateBlock(LivingEntity who, Location where, Block what) {
//Do something when passing through a block
public void OnPenetrateEntity(LivingEntity who, Location where, Entity what) {
//Do something when passing through an entity
public void OnMove(Location previous, Location current, double step) {
//Do something when the the particle moves
public class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
MyProjectile projectile;
public void onEnable() {
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
projectile = new MyProjectile();
public void onDisable() {
public void oninteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
Material item = event.getPlayer().getInventory().getItemInMainHand().getType();
if (item == Material.STICK) {
//launch MyProjectile with physics turned on
projectile.launch(event.getPlayer(), true);
Example Plugin Utilizing ParticleProjectileApi & Javadocs Javadocs:
ParticleProjectileApi Example plugin:
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