/lobby | /hub - Main command of the plugin
/lobby reload | /hub reload - Used to reload the configuration of the plugin
Code (Text):
# This is used to define the prefix, which will be displayed before each message sent by the plugin.
prefix: '&6[&c&lELo&r&6]&r'
# true : The player must have the permission defined at : 'permission.lobby' to be able to teleport.
# (DEFAULT) false : The player must not have permission defined at : 'permission.lobby' to be able to teleport.
player_need_permission_to_teleport: 'false'
# (DEFAULT) true : The player will receive a message when teleporting, defined at : 'message.player.teleport'.
# false : The player will not receive a message when teleporting, defined at : 'message.player.teleport'.
message_on_teleport: 'true'
# Message received when reloading the configuration.
success_reloading_config: '&eThe configuration has been reloaded.'
# Message received when the player does not have permission.
not_permission: '&cYou dont have permission to perform this command.'
# Message received when the command is not executed by a player.
sender_is_not_player: '&cSorry! You must be a player to run this command.'
# Message received when the command does not exist.
command_doesnt_exist: '&cSorry! This command does not exist.'
# Message received when the player is teleported (refers to the parameter: 'teleport.message_on_teleport'.)
player_teleport: '&7You have just been teleported to the lobby server.'
# Message received when the player is teleported and a teleportation problem occurs.
player_teleport_failed: '&cAn error has occurred.'
# Permission which defines the permission required to perform the reload sub-command. (Operators bypass this permission natively.)
reload_plugin: 'elo.command.reload'
# Permission which defines the permission required to perform the teleportation command. (Operators bypass this permission natively.)
lobby: 'elo.command.lobby.use'
# Allows you to define the name of your server. This name can be found in your BungeeCord configuration. Case-sensitive.
# As a reminder, this plugin doesn't allow you to define a spawn point. If that's what you're looking for, EasySpawn can be downloaded from my Spigot profile (MasqueOù).
lobby: 'replaceme'