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InteractiveBooks -----

Easily create interactive books with placeholders!

About InteractiveBooks
Do you want to create cool JSON books, but use it is too uncomfortable? This plugin is the solution: You can create books, showing tooltips or opening links and run commands when hover or clicking some text, using a simple syntax.

Screenshot InteractiveBooks 1.png Screenshot InteractiveBooks 2.png

Please don't report bugs in the review section, report it >>here<<
  • Tooltips when hover some text
  • Open links or run a command when clicking some text
  • Dynamic book (update the book every time player use it)
  • PlaceholderAPI support
  • Open books without having it
  • You can create as many books as you want
  • Simple and versatile API

Dev Builds
You can get latest builds here

Read plugin's guide here

, /ibooks, /ib
(<> = required argument, [] = optional argument)​
  • /ibooks get <book-id> - Get a book
  • /ibooks give <book-id> <player> - Give a book to a player
  • /ibooks open <book-id> [player] - Open a book
  • /ibooks create <book-id> <name> <title> <author> [generation] - Create a book
  • /ibooks list - List all book's ids
  • /ibooks reload - Reload config and books
interactivebooks.command - Access to the command /ibooks
interactivebooks.command.list - Allow to use the command /ibooks list - Allow to use the command /ibooks open
interactivebooks.command.get - Allow to use the command /ibooks get
interactivebooks.command.give - Allow to use the command /ibooks give
interactivebooks.command.create - Allow to use the command /ibooks create
interactivebooks.command.reload - Allow to use the command /ibooks reload<book-id> - Allow to open a book with the commands defined in the book's config​

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 17,433
First Release: Aug 13, 2017
Last Update: Yesterday at 11:37 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
85 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings