command_description_plugin=Send serverchat between bukkit server
command_description_help=§2/sc help §6--View help page
command_description_setitem=§2/sc setitem §6--Set the item in your hand to horn
command_description_giveplayer=§2/sc give §d[player] [number] §6--Give player horn , or give yourself
command_description_send=§2/sc send §6--Send a serverchat
command_description_ignore=§2/sc ignore §6--Ignore all serverchat
command_description_buy=§2/sc buy §d[number] §6--Buy horn
command_description_reload=§2/sc reload §6--Reload plugin config and lang
command_tip_setitem_success= §bSuccessfully set horn item
command_tip_setitem_air= §cHorn item can not be air
command_tip_giveplayer_give=§bYou have given §a%player% §e%number% §bhorn(s)
command_tip_giveplayer_recieve=§bYou have recieved §e%number% §bhorn(s)
command_tip_ignore_on=§bYou now accept serverchat
command_tip_ignore_off=§bYou now ignore serverchat
command_tip_buy_money=§aYou have bought §b%number% §ahorn(s) , it cost you §e%money% §amoney
command_tip_buy_failed=§cBuy failed , you do not have enough money
command_tip_reload_success=§2ServerChat have reloaded successfully
command_no_permission_ignore=§cYou do not have enough permisson to ignore serverchat
command_no_permission_buy=§cYou do not have enough permission to buy horn
command_no_permission=§cYou do not have enough permission
command_error_command=§cError command
command_error_invalid=§cInvalid parameter
command_error_grammar=§cInvalid grammer
command_error_player_offline=§cPlayer %player% is not online
command_error_at_least_one_player=Send serverchat failed , this server need at least one player to be online to do that
command_error_player_only=§2Only player can execute the command
chat_auto_use_success=§aYou have consumed a horn
chat_auto_use_failed=§cYou dont have a horn
chat_error_length=§cYou said too long or too short
chat_error_empty=§cMessage can not be empty
chat_error_incool=§cYou have to wait §e%cooltime%§c seconds to be able to send serverchat again
horn_error_incool=§cYou have to wait §e%cooltime%§c seconds to be able to use horn again
horn_error_already_use=§6You are already using a horn
horn_tip_using=§dEnter your serverchat message
horn_tip_overtime=§aDue to long time no use , your horn has been returned back
Detailed instructions for use(important)
speaker configuration
-OP can make an RPG prop as a loudspeaker in the way he likes
-Hold the horn in your hand and enter /sc setitem
-(note that the information of items may be different in different versions of servers, and the configuration file cannot be directly copied to other versions of servers)
-OP selects a way to give the speaker to the player
-Players can send cross server messages by right clicking the horn and speaking
-If you enable prefix chat and carry the horn with you, you can also directly use the prefix to consume the horn
Message settings
-Serverchat supports the display of cross server messages, including actionbar (the line above the item bar), boss blood bar and normal chat bar
-These three methods can be started or closed freely, and different message display methods can also be configured
-The details in the configuration file are
(the bossbar blood bar message is disabled by default. You can open it yourself if you need to use it.)
-The new version can set the floating message of the chat bar
The following are the configuration files for several classic usage scenarios:
Configuration format 1
Applicable scenarios:
>A server that doesn't need a speaker at all<
>Player's speech is automatically converted into cross server chat<
>You can also freely set the cooling of this chat<
Configuration format 2
Applicable scenarios:
>A server that doesn't need a speaker at all<
>Simply need a prefix type cross server chat<
>Configure chat cooling based on prefix<
Configuration format 3
Applicable scenarios:
>Players cannot send cross server chat with prefix<
>Only speakers can be used to speak across servers<
>How to obtain the cross server loudspeaker made by Moderator<
>For example, buy or give as a gift<
Variables: %Player%: player name %Server%: player's server %Message%: message content %Cooltime%: cooling time of horn All placeholderapi variables are supported
If you have any any question or suggestions , just feel free to start a new conversation with me or send a request on github ! All of your votes will give me lots of encouragement
Thanks for your loving and five starts ! Also you can have a test there: